On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Staszek Wawrykiewicz uploaded version 0.78 of the
tif2eps package.
Authors: Boguslaw Jackowski, P. Pianowski and P. Strzelczyk
License: GPL
Location on CTAN: support/pstools/tif2eps
TIF2EPS is a PostScript program for the conversion of TIFF files (ver. 6.0)
to EPS ones. Compression (LZW, CCITT Fax, RLE, Flate, DCT) and ASCII85
encoding is available. The package may be used for generating colour-
separated EPSes, `EPS thumbnails,' and, moreover, little header EPSes,
containing only a pointer to a source TIFF file. Employing Ghostscript
guarantees portability and efficient processing.
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf