On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Hendri Adriaens submitted new versions of his
packages xkeyval and extract.
Location on CTAN:
xkeyval v2.2
1) Added a viewer utility for generating tables with
defined keys per family or all families together.
2) Improved nesting mechanism.
extract v1.…
[View More]6
1) Added optional information header for
extracted files.
2) Improved options section.
Thanks for the updates.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
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On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Jean-Pierre Drucbert submitted version 41 of his
package minitoc.
This package is useful to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs) at the
beginning of every chapter. They are also minilofs and minilots. At the
part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of
document does not use chapters, they are section level secttocs, sectlofs
and sectlots.
Location on CTAN : macros/latex/contrib/minitoc/
Kicence: LPPL
updates versus version 40:
[View More]============================================================
Version #41
Corrections in documentation.
Message added if some sectionning commands are not available.
Replaced ypeout commands in minitoc.sty by PackageInfo or
PackageWarning commands. Hence, the package is less verbose
(PackageInfo writes only in the .log file, not on the terminal).
Added mtcsetfont (for Benjamin Bayart) and mtcsettitlefont.
Added bibliography.
Added test on amsart, amsproc and amsbook packages. The first two
are incompatible with minitoc, the third needs precautions.
Added mtcsetformat and:
ptc | pnumwidth
mtc | tocrmargin
stc | dotsep
plf |
mlf |
slf |
plt |
mlt |
slt |
Added mtcsettitle.
Added a hint for recommending the insection option.
Added a hint about the presence of dominitoc & co.
Added a hint about coherence dominitoc/minitoc & co.
Improved documentation about hints.
Added a hint about more that 99 parts/chapters/sections
with short extensions.
ptifont: Hugefseries becomes LARGEfseries.
Added mtcsetpagenumbers.
Added serbianc.mld.
Added chinese1.mld, chinese2.mld, hangul1.mld, hangul2.mld, hangul3.mld,
hangul4.mld, hanja1.mld, hanja2.mld, japanese2.mld, japanese3.mld,
japanese4.mld, japanese5.mld, thai.mld.
Added mtcsetrules.
Added plfrule,
oplfrule, mlfrule,
omlfrule, slfrule,
Added pltrule,
opltrule, mltrule,
omltrule, sltrule,
Added the mtchideinmaintoc environment.
Added latvian.mld and letton.mld.
Added greek-mono.mld, greek-polydemo.mld, greek-polykatha.mld, polish2.mld, russian2m.mld, russian2o.mld.
Added the mtchideinmainlof and mtchideinmain environments.
Added mtcfixindex.
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
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On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 Eric Beitz submitted version
1.9 of his TeXshade package.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/texshade/
Summary description: Update of the nucleotide and protein alignment LaTeX
package TeXshade
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
This is version 1.9 of the TeXshade package for setting nucleotide and
protein sequence alignments. New features cover: novel types of arrow
[View More]bounding boxes around sequence blocks, new input format HMMTOP, short
version of the caption and bug fixes.
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
A new package has been installed on tug.ctan.org and should have by this
time made its way to your favorite mirror.
Thank you for the upload,
Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: virtualfontshowto.txt
Author's name: Thomas A. Schmitz
Location on CTAN: /info/virtualfontshowto
Summary description: Tutorial on creating virtual fonts
License type: lppl
[View More]Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This file gives a brief step-by-step tutorial on how virtual fonts can be
created and used.
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
You can have a look at the package at
although you may get a better network connection by visiting a mirror
of CTAN that is near to you; see
[View Less]
Bernard Gaulle writes:
> Volunteers are really welcome to translate the short (13 lines)
> default messages file in their own language.
> Currently msg is localized in French, English, Norsk and German.
> The msg package is a LaTeX package designed to localize any
> document class or package. Very usefull for end-users who could
> obtain messages in their own prefered language. It is also really
> easy to use by class/package writers.
> Please, …
[View More]be free to try/test it on any existing package/class and
> report any pb. No pb reported at that time.
> The upload on ftp.tex.ac.uk is: msg.tar.gz
> Ctan directory: macros/latex/contrib/msg
> % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
> % the LaTeX Project Public License as of http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
> %
> % This file has the LPPL maintenance status maintained.
> % The current maintainer is Bernard.Gaulle at idris.fr
> V 0.30 mods: added hook for possible keyboard output reencoding;
> few documentation changes.
i've installed the new version as requested -- thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
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On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 Eric Beitz submitted version
1.4 of his TeXtopo package.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/textopo/
Summary description: Update of the protein topology plotting LaTeX package
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
This is version 1.4 of the TeXtopo package for plotting transmembrane
protein topologies. A new input format has been implemented: HMMTOP; and
bugs have …
[View More]been fixed especially a rotation issue with classical flat helical
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
this is an interim release, provoked by the discovery of a serious bug
in the code that generates 'static' html files (see html.tar.gz in the
Other changes of note:
Revised answers:
Label conditional: changes to cope with new release of extract package
Label commercial: mention the self-help group for users of Y&Y TeX
Label RCS: extend to cover subversion (packages svn and svninfo)
Label spell: slightly restructured for CTAN changes
New or revised packages (or just …
[View More]ones never before mentioned):
pseudocode (mentioned in label algorithms)
svn (mentioned in label RCS)
svninfo (mentioned in label RCS)
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
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On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 Rolf Niepraschk submitted an update for
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/ps4pdf/
Summary description: Using Postscript commands inside a pdfLaTeX
processed document
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This version has the new package option notightpage (needs additional
external cropping after the `ps2pdf' call). And a small bug with the
PfP@container macro …
[View More]is corrected.
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
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On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Axel Sommerfeldt uploaded version 3.0d of his package
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/caption
License type: lppl (maintained)
The caption package provides many ways to customise the captions
in floating environments like figure and table and cooperates with
many other packages.
This is mainly a bugfix …
[View More]release of the caption package 3.0.
- Design change: Split package into two parts, caption.sty (package) and
caption3.sty (kernel)
- New option name= - sets float name, for use with captionsetup[]
- New options figurename= and tablename=
- New option type= - sets caption type, for use inside floats/environments
- Bugfix in sidecap support: @captype will be defined so captionsetup[] works
for these environments, too
- Bugfix 04-08-04:
. abovecaptionskip & elowcaptionskip will be used for longtables, too
. position= will be taken into account (default for longtables:
position=top; position=auto will usually not work)
- Bugfix 04-10-26: Skips (margin/indention) will only be typeset if set
- Bugfix: captionmargin will be set twice now (left+right of the caption)
- Bugfix 04-12-19: vrule@heighthtstrutbox@widthz@ will be used
instead of strut
- Bugfix 05-01-23: @finalstrutstrutbox added
- New option strut= - switches the use of the struts on/off (default=on)
- Bugfix in single-line-check: captionwidth will be used for the check instead
of hsize = width of the vbox
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
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On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 Ralf Stubner submitted version 1.002 of the FPL fonts
The FPL Fonts provide a set of SC/OsF fonts for URW Palladio L which are
compatible with respect to metrics with the Palatino SC/OsF fonts from the
original Adobe fonts. The SC and OsF in the FPL Fonts were designed with
the glyphs from URW Palladio L as starting point. For some glyphs (eg 'o')
I got the best result by scaling and boldening. For others (eg 'h')
shifting selected portions of the character gave …
[View More]more satisfying results.
All this was done using the free font editor FontForge
(http://fontforge.sf.net). The kerning data in these fonts comes from
Walter Schmidt's improved Palatino metrics.
Location on CTAN: /fonts/fpl/
Summary description: FPL Fonts -- SC/OsF for URW Palladio L
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
Minor change in the internal font structure:
Refrain from using 'div' for compatibility reasons.
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
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