i have installed v3.26 of the faq on ctan, and on the faq web processor at http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
there are several minor improvements and corrections (see summary list below) but nothing, i think, that's particularly important.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team ========================== Changes since version 3.25
New answers: +Label expl3-old: package needs a newer LaTeX 3 harness +Label latex3-prog: learning LaTeX 3 programming +Label repeat-num: repeat an operation a given number of times +Label repeat-set: repeat an operation for each element of a set +Label whatenv: brief outline of what environments are
Relabelled answers: <none>
Revised answers: +Label acrobat: [tidying layout] +Label archives: largely rewritten for new archive arrangements +Label chapbib: show biblatex-based approach +Label codelist: more on use of minted package +Label complist: clarified description of what's going on +Label cmdstar: clarified use of LaTeX 3, here +Label conditional: suggest stampinclude for rapid (partial) compilation +Label ctan: revised following recent changes to archive access +Label dolldoll: elaborated reasons from a tex.stackexchange answer +Label dpfloat: describe use of caption package for the job +Label drawing: reword text about PGF/TikZ +Label extsizes: describe use of scrextend package for document font sizes +Label ftncapt: clarify example +Label hyphenaccents: the future (unicode hyphenation tables) is here! +Label ltxcmds: more detail of the latexdef application +Label latexqual: add a proviso about l2tabu/nag +Label make: add recommendation for arara +Label man-latex: Nicola Talbot's stuff has moved to a new web site +Label minxampl: discuss support packages +Label nofm: suggest zref-lastpage +Label oddpage: suggest the ifoddpage package +Label patch: describe the regexpatch package +Label pkgdoc: mention the site texdoc.net, miktex mthelp +Label pdftexgraphics: mention pdftricks2 +Label psfchoice: update mathdesign outline, add newtx and garamondx +Label readML: Context can do the job (rather well, one understands ;-) +Label readtex: suggest asking for a PDF instead ;-) +Label spell: update, add recommendation for (exptl) spelling package +Label struttab: removed internal macros in example of cellspace +Label symbols: rearrange, and mention unicode maths symbol table +Label tocloft: mention new (straightforward) etoc package +Label uploads: rewritten for the (new) archive arrangements +Label vertspacefloat: moved to a new location in question list +Label virtualfonts: change question title to be a question +Label xetex: change question title to match other projects' titles, redo answer, based on a tex/sx post
Deleted answers: <none removed>
Web interface, etc.: The default archive (used in links from answers) is now mirror.ctan.org (i.e., it's not an archive, but a selector of a mirror of the archive)
Robin Fairbairns Hapless FAQer of Cambridge