----- Forwarded message from J.Fojtik -----
+ what you've uploaded
wp2latex package update
+ which CTAN node you've uploaded to
+ where you want the files to go
+ what licensing conditions you apply to your software (see list
+ a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
(please note that the mail should be in english for speedy
New: Supported style epsfig.sty, fixed problem …
[View More]with filenames.
New: RTF parser now working. Try make rtf.
New: Small attempt to do something with raster images.
New: Gamma version of Windows GUI.
New: Ability to read WP3.x Macintosh files.
New: Make install perhaps works under Linux.
New: Supported package fontenc[T1].
New: Better windows GUI. Nested tables supported.
New: German localization (Thanks to Hillmar Preusse).
New: Make install should work under DOS/WINDOWS.
New: T602 parser.
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team
[View Less]
A new package has been installed on tug.ctan.org and should make its
way through the mirroring process in the next day or two.
Thanks for the material,
Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor.
Name of contribution: skull
Author's name: Scott Pakin (uploader only; package written by Henrik Christian Grove)
Location on CTAN: fonts/skull
Summary description: Skull-…
[View More]and-crossbones symbol
License type: gpl
Announcement text given by the contribution's author:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Metafont version of a skull-and-crossbones symbol, with
LaTeX bindings.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[View Less]
Norman Gray writes:
> I've just uploaded four packages to ftp.tex.ac.uk/incoming. Two are
> updates, two are new.
> ===========================================================================
> + What you've uploaded
> showlabels-1.4.tar.gz
> + where you want the files to go
> Replacing macros/latex/contrib/supported/showlabels/
> + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
> + a brief …
[View More]summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Showlabels: put the names of labels into the margins of a draft document
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Version 1.4
> This package helps you keep track of all the labels you define, by
> putting the name of new labels into the margin whenever the
> label command is used.
> The package allows you to do the same thing for other commands. The
> only one for which this is obviously useful is the cite command, but
> it's easy to do it for others, such as the
ef or egin commands.
> Changes in v1.4, 24 July 2001
> ------------------------------
> Significant alteration to the mechanism for displaying the labels,
> which makes it easy to do the same trick for the cite command. It's
> also fairly easy to extend this to any other commands which might want
> it, through the new showlabels command, though
ef is the only one
> which immediately springs to mind.
> Also, the package option [inline] was introduced, giving an
> alternative format for displaying the labels. This route is ripe for
> generalisation.
> Corrections to the code which places labels in the margin. This is
> manifest in that the package is now (more) compatible with the wrapfig
> package.
> ===========================================================================
> + What you've uploaded
> textpos-1.2.tar.gz
> + where you want the files to go
> Replacing macros/latex/contrib/supported/textpos/
> + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
> + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Textpos: absolute positioning of text on the LaTeX page
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Version 1.2
> This package facilitates placing boxes at absolute positions on the
> LaTeX page. There are several reasons why this might be useful, but
> the main one (or at least my motivating one) is to help produce a
> large-format conference poster.
> This package provides a single environment, which contains the text
> (or graphics, or table, or whatever) which is to be placed on the
> page, and which specifies where it is to be placed.
> Changes in v1.2, 21 April 2002
> -------------------------------
> Rolf Niepraschk <niepraschk(a)ptb.de> provided code to make textpos
> compatible with the {calc} package.
> Added the [verbose] and [quiet] package options.
> ===========================================================================
> + What you've uploaded
> urlbst-0.1.tar.gz
> + where you want the files to go
> I suppose in biblio/bibtex/contrib/urlbst ?
> + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
> + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Adds a `webpage' BibTeX entry type, and support for general `url' and
> `lastchecked' fields, to arbitrary BibTeX style files.
> %%VERSION%% 0.1
> The Perl script urlbst.pl can be used to add this support to an
> arbitrary .bst file which has a reasonably `conventional' structure.
> The result is meant to be robust rather than pretty.
> Usage: urlbst.pl [input-file [output-file]]
> if either the input-file or the output-file is omitted, they default
> to stdin and stdout respectively. If the input file already has a URL
> entry type, then the script objects.
> For example:
> urlbst.pl `kpsewhich siam.bst` siamurl.bst
> The distributed files abbrvurl.bst, alphaurl.bst, plainurl.bst and
> unsrturl.bst are versions of the standard style files which have been
> pre-converted.
> Only the style files which result from conversion of the standard
> styles are checked in the regression tests. Other style files which
> are known to work include
> acm.bst, amsalpha.bst, amsplain.bst, apalike.bst, gerabbrv.bst,
> geralpha.bst, gerapali.bst, gerplain.bst, gerunsrt.bst, ieeetr.bst and
> siam.bst
> Style files known not to work, because they are too different from the
> standard styles, include the koma-script styles and the refer styles
> (they are not designed to produce conventional .bbl files). The
> natbib and revtex style files already have URL fields. If you have a
> BibTeX style file which you think ought to work, but with which the
> script fails, send it to me, and I'll try to work out what I've missed.
> ===========================================================================
> + What you've uploaded
> feyn-0.1.tar.gz
> + where you want the files to go
> I suppose in fonts/feyn ?
> + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
> + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Feyn: a Metafont for Feynman diagrams
> -------------------------------------
> Version 0.1
> This describes the font `feyn', which can be used to produce relatively
> simple Feynman diagrams within equations in a LaTeX document.
> The other Feynman diagram package which exists is Thorsten Ohl's
> `feynmf/feynmp' package. That works by creating Metafont or MetaPost
> figures using a preprocessor. It's more general than this package,
> but is at its best when creating relatively large diagrams, for
> figures. In contrast, the present system consists of a
> carefully-designed font with which you can write simple diagrams,
> within equations or within text, in a size matching the surrounding
> text size.
i've installed all four packages as suggested (i.e., i've adopted your
proposed locations for urlbst and feyn). thanks for the uploads.
(sorry about the delay in installing: an emergency at [real] work
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
[View Less]
On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Antonis Tsolomitis wrote:
> I have uploaded to the incoming directory of ftp.dante.de (nova.dante.de)
> the file kerkis.zip
> The package contains the first (I believe) Type1 font to
> fully support Greek (polytonic included) through Babel.
> The support of the latin alphabet is also at a very good level
> as kerkis supports ot1 and t1 encodings. It is an extension
> of the Bookman Old Style fonts. In addition to Greek it contains
> many …
[View More]missing ligatures from URWBookman and true Small Caps.
> Since the package supports the latin languages I suppose that
> it is proper to be placed among the other Type1 fonts.
> Since it especially supports Greek I think that a link should be placed
> inside the Greek directory pointing to kerkis (for the moment it is the
> only free way to create descent pdf files in Greek as the default
> support for Greek provides only Metafont fonts).
> Licensing: They are free to redistribute. There is only one restriction
> that is if they are used for commercial purposes (eg books)
> the Copyright section must include a note about the fonts saying that
> the document uses
> kerkis fonts (C) Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean
Thanks a lot for the upload, I installed these files in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
----- Forwarded message from Thomas Leineweber -----
I have put a new version of protocol.sty in the incoming directory
on ftp.dante.de. The file protocol.tgz is intended to replace
the contents of the directory macros/latex/contrib/supported/protocol/
on CTAN. It is a new version of the protocol package for typesetting
meeting-protocols (in german).
It is licensed under the lppl.
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed the new version as suggested in
[View More]archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/protocol.
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team
[View Less]
----- Forwarded message from David Kastrup -----
I have uploaded preview-latex-0.7.2b.tar.gz and
preview-0.7.2b.tar.gz to the incoming directory of ftp.dante.de.
Its license is the GPL.
0.7.2b is a post-release hotfix for a build problem. Upgrading from
0.7.2 is not necessary unless building the release failed. A separate
announcement is probably not necessary.
I would recommend installing it in the following way:
Put the packed archive preview-latex-0.7.2b.tar.gz under
[View More]latex/
and unpack the
README from it to support/preview-latex/README
Create a symbolic link from
so that people can always get the newest version under this name.
Unpack preview-0.7.2b.tar.gz in the directory
It contains just README-preview, preview.dtx and preview.ins.
The reason is that the preview.dtx file can also be used as a
standalone LaTeX style for extracting selected elements from a LaTeX
source into separate pages of a DVI file.
Previous versions of preview-latex can be deleted.
Here are the release notes:
Release notes for version 0.7.2 of the preview-latex package:
preview-latex is a system for displaying inline images of selected
parts of a file in Emacs source buffers. The employed style file
preview.sty is independently useful for extraction of selected text
elements as images. The package is released under the GNU Public
License (GPL). At the current point of time, at least GNU Emacs-21.1
under the X window system, AUC TeX (11.11 recommended, see below), a
working LaTeX installation and GhostScript are required. This version
for the first time also fully supports XEmacs with a version of at
least 21.1.14. Some issues with the display engine have been
uncovered in the course of porting; consult the PROBLEMS file for more
information. No Emacs versions of preview-latex have yet been tested
to run under the MS Windows operating system. Recent CVS versions of
Emacs could possibly be made to run preview-latex there, and we have
had a positive report with Cygwin XEmacs. Please report your
Release 0.7.2 is a consolidation release containing mostly bug fixes.
Its stability should be sufficient for third party package providers
of GNU Emacs packages. The XEmacs part still has rough edges, partly
due to XEmacs internal bugs that are expected to be ironed out in
future XEmacs releases.
The README file provides adequate information for preinstalled
distributions. The INSTALL file contains a special section with
advice for package providers.
User feedback about errors and suggested feature improvements is
welcome and heeded. The home page is
<URL:http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net>, the SourceForge project
page that among others offers anonymous CVS access is located at
If you can spare the time, you can also comment on or rate this
project at <URL:http://freshmeat.net/projects/preview-latex>.
Additional files can be found at
* If you don't have texinfo 4.0 or later installed, prebuilt
documentation files can be found there.
* AUC TeX can be found at several places, but if you want the latest
11.11 (alpha, but stable AFAIK) with no known issues concerning
preview-latex, you can find it there as well.
* RPMs for preview-latex and AUC TeX are provided for users of RedHat
Linux. For the binary RPMs, you will need the preview-latex-common
RPM as well as the Emacs-flavor specific RPM.
The RPMs require a few packages:
* GhostScript 6.51 is included in RH 7.2, but if you use an earlier
release it can be downloaded from the RH7.2 updates,
The current beta of RedHat 7.3 (see below) includes GhostScript 6.53.
* Emacs-21.2 is part of the beta release for RedHat 7.3 at
unless it has already been superceded by the regular release.
I installed this using 'rpm -i --nodeps --force', which worked for
me, but since it does not follow the usual emacs + emacs-X11 +
emacs-nox, YMMV.
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version
in CTAN:/tex-archive/support/preview-latex and
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team
[View Less]
An upgrade of a package on CTAN has been installed on tug.ctan.org
and should make its way through the mirroring process in the next
day or two.
Thanks for the upload,
Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor.
Name of contribution: subfigure package version 2.1.3
Author's name: Steven Douglas Cochran
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/supported/subfigure
[View More]Summary description: LaTeX package for providing support for the inclusion
of small, `sub', figures and tables. It simplifies the positioning,
captioning and labeling of them within a single figure or table environment.
In addition, this package allows such subcaptions to be written to the List
of Figures or List of tables if desired.
License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the contribution's author:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The subfigure package version 2.1.3 fixes an incompatability with several
packages including the tocloft and the ccaption packages when used with the
hyperref package.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[View Less]
On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 Eric Beitz wrote:
> Name of contribution: TeXtopo
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/supported/textopo
> Summary description: Plotting, shading and labeling of membrane protein topologies
> License type: Free
> Announcement text:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is an update (v1.3) of the LaTeX package for plotting, shading
> and labeling of membrane protein topologies. The new version …
[View More]introduces
> two more helical wheel styles and the indication of the hydrophobic
> moment. Further, the DVIPS driver is not mandatory anymore as is
> 'rotating.sty'.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
Nicola Talbot writes:
> Name of contribution: datetime
> Name and email: Nicola Talbot <>
> Suggested location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/other
> Summary description: Changes format of oday. Provides commands
> for current time.
> License type: Generic DFSG
> Announcement text:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The package datetime.sty provides various different formats for the
> …
[View More]command oday, and also provides commands for displaying the
> current time, either in 12hr or 24hr format. In addition, there are
> macros for displaying the value of a count register as an ordinal
> (e.g. ordinal{3} would print 3rd, and ordinalstring{3} would print
> third) as well as macros for displaying the value of a count
> register as a string (e.g.
umberstring{3} would print three).
i've installed the files in macros/latex/contrib/other/datetime
thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
[View Less]
On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Ingo H. de Boer wrote:
> I have uploaded the WinShell 2.2 Release to
> ftp://ftp.dante.de/incoming/winshell
> Please move the files to
> ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/tex/systems/win32/winshell/
> and delete all the older files.
> thanks & greets
> Ingo
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> What is WinShell ?
> WinShell is a graphical user interface for easy working …
[View More]with LaTeX or
> TeX. It includes a text editor, different tool bars and user
> configuration options. It is NOT a LaTeX system. An additional LaTeX
> package for Windows is needed.
> WinShell falls under the 'nosource' licence.
Thanks for the update, I installed it in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]