> A submission was uploaded to nova.dante.de:/ftp/incoming/upload-20030626.001/.
> The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
> Name of contribution: References
> Name and email: Volker Kiefel
> Suggested location on CTAN: tex-archive/support/references
> Summary description: Bibliographic software supporting LaTeX/BibTeX
> License type: GNU Project
> Announcement text:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> REFERENCES is bibliographic software for authors of
> scientific manuscripts and for management of
> bibliographic data of ARTICLES IN JOURNALS, of BOOKS
> and of CHAPTERS IN BOOKS and other document types
> including notes and electronic documents. REFERENCES
> supports LaTeX including BibTeX. Bibliographic records
> in MEDLINE format are easily converted. Retrieval of
> references by keywords, authors' or editors' names,
> date of publication, title of article, book title,
> journal name or combinations thereof is possible.
> Lists of references can be compiled in any
> bibliographic style required by the publishers of
> scientific journals. REFERENCES is provided with a text
> based console interface compiled for win32-systems, an
> external text editor is required for editing data.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the
old version in CTAN:support/references/.
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team