Vít Starý Novotný submitted an update to the
Version: 3.10.0-0-g626df6ad 2025-01-27 License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## 3.10.0
- Add a built-in theme `witiko/diagrams@v2` for drawing different types of diagrams. (#448, #514, #531, #542, [matrix.org][matrix-542], a9cadc41, 578e64d6, 22efe7f4, a3c2d93b, originally suggested by @anubane)
[matrix-542]: https://matrix.to/#/!UeAwznpYwwsinVTetR:matrix.org/$CpfhKJT8DAkzH7Rx6ynV1BKF...
Here is an example LaTeX document using the new theme:
```` tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[import=witiko/diagrams@v2, relativeReferences]{markdown} \begin{document} \begin{markdown} ``` dot {caption="An example directed graph" width=12cm #dot} digraph tree { margin = 0; rankdir = "LR";
latex -> pmml; latex -> cmml; pmml -> slt; cmml -> opt; cmml -> prefix; cmml -> infix; pmml -> mterms [style=dashed]; cmml -> mterms;
latex [label = "LaTeX"]; pmml [label = "Presentation MathML"]; cmml [label = "Content MathML"]; slt [label = "Symbol Layout Tree"]; opt [label = "Operator Tree"]; prefix [label = "Prefix"]; infix [label = "Infix"]; mterms [label = "M-Terms"]; } ```
``` mermaid {caption="An example mindmap" width=9cm #mermaid} mindmap root )base-idea( sub<br/>idea 1 ((?)) sub<br/>idea 2 ((?)) sub<br/>idea 3 ((?)) sub<br/>idea 4 ((?)) ```
``` plantuml {caption="An example UML sequence diagram" width=7cm #plantuml} @startuml ' Define participants (actors) participant "Client" as C participant "Server" as S participant "Database" as DB
' Diagram title title Simple Request-Response Flow
' Messages C -> S: Send Request note over S: Process request
alt Request is valid S -> DB: Query Data DB -> S: Return Data S -> C: Respond with Data else Request is invalid S -> C: Return Error end @enduml ```
See the diagrams in figures <#dot>, <#mermaid>, and <#plantuml>. \end{markdown} \end{document} ````````
You may use the expl3 prop `\g_markdown_diagrams_infostrings_prop` to register other types of diagrams.
- Add option `jekyllDataKeyValue` for routing YAML metadata to expl3 key–values. (#77, #517, [matrix.org][matrix-517], #539, [matrix.org][matrix-539], f57a8c45, originally suggested by @TeXhackse) While the primary intended users of this new option are package authors, writers can also use this feature to configure various (La)TeX packages from YAML:
``` tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{chemformula, lua-widow-control, phonenumbers} \usepackage[raw_attribute, tex_math_dollars]{markdown} \begin{document} \begin{markdown}[jekyll_data, jekyll_data_key_value]
--- chemformula: decimal-marker: $\cdot$ lua-widow-control: draft: true showcolours: true phonenumbers: area-code: place area-code-sep: space country: UK ---
Phone number: `\phonenumber{02079460345}`{=tex}
Chemical reaction: `\ch{A + B -> 3.14159}`{=tex}
\end{markdown} \end{document} ```
This won't work for every package but many packages use expl3 key–values internally for their configuration. If you are curious if your favorite package does, look for `\keys_define` in its source code.
For more examples, see #517.
[matrix-517]: https://matrix.to/#/!UeAwznpYwwsinVTetR:matrix.org/$WzqBd_p3KB766wqbFBLbn3o9... [matrix-539]: https://matrix.to/#/!UeAwznpYwwsinVTetR:matrix.org/$VZbdWB2EpHeg290MGsYsbUEw...
Fixes: - Allow using the options `linkAttributes` and `notes` together. (#543, #544)
- Alias the command `markdown-cli` as `markdown2tex`. (#545, #546, [tex-live@tug.org][tex-live-2025-01-051051])
[tex-live-2025-01-051051]: https://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2025-January/051051.html
- Produce Docker image `witiko/markdown:latest-minimal` with a minimum installation of the Markdown package for TeX based on the Docker image `texlive/texlive:latest-minimal`. (61a3aa2b)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/markdown
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/generic/markdown/
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs