----- Forwarded message from Till Tantau ----- I have put version 2.01 of the beamer package (macros/latex/contrib/beamer) on fpt://ftp.dante.de/incoming/latex-beamer-2.01.tar.gz. This version contains only bugfixes.
Change Log:
beamer version 2.01 - Fixed bug with class options containing braces - Fixed bug in beamerbasecolor.sty - Fixed bug that caused footnotes not to be shown. - Fixed bug that caused ormalcolor to ignore mixins. - Fixed bug with french and spanish babel in article mode. - Fixed bugs in cite and ibitem commands. Will now correctly handle spaces in conjunction with babel. - Fixed bugs in beamerpresentation.lyx. - Fixed bug with @centercr in article mode. - cite now hyperlinks - eamertemplateballitems will now also project mini templates on balls. Write useenumerateitemminitemplate{color{beamercolor}insertenumlabel} to get the old behaviour. - footnote now takes an extra optional argument. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/beamer
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team