Philipp Lehman writes:
I've uploaded `biblatex.tar.gz' to the incoming directory of the UK node. This is an update for macros/latex/exptl/biblatex.
i've installed the files as requested; i will update the catalogue just as soon as i find the catalogue server has returned to the land of the living :-(
meanwhile, users may browse the package by way of the old catalogue entry:
thanks for the update,
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
The biblatex package is a complete reimplementation of the bibliographic facilities provided by LaTeX in conjunction with BibTeX. It redesigns the way in which LaTeX interacts with BibTeX at a fairly fundamental level. With biblatex, BibTeX is only used to sort the bibliography and to generate labels. Instead of being implemented in BibTeX's style files, the formatting of the bibliography is entirely controlled by TeX macros. Good working knowledge in LaTeX should be sufficient to design new bibliography and citation styles. There is no need to learn BibTeX's postfix stack language. Just like the bibliography styles, all citation commands may be freely (re)defined.
See the file `RELEASE' for release notes.
- Renamed citation style `authortitle' to `authortitle-terse'
- Renamed citation style `authortitle-comp' to `authortitle-cterse'
- Renamed citation style `authortitle-verb' to `authortitle'
- Added new citation style `authortitle-comp'
- Citation style `traditional' now supports `loc. cit.'
- Added package option `date'
- Added package option `urldate'
- Introduced new data type: literal lists
- Renamed citename to citeauthor
- Renamed citelist to citename
- Added new citelist command
- Renamed printlist to printnames
- Added new printlist command
- Renamed indexlist to indexnames
- Added new indexlist command
- Renamed DeclareListFormat to DeclareNameFormat
- Added new DeclareListFormat command
- Renamed DeclareListAlias to DeclareNameAlias
- Added new DeclareListAlias command
- Renamed DeclareIndexListFormat to DeclareIndexNameFormat
- Added new DeclareIndexListFormat command
- Renamed DeclareIndexListAlias to DeclareIndexNameAlias
- Added new DeclareIndexListAlias command
- Renamed iblist to hename
- Added new helist command
- Renamed ibfield to hefield
- Renamed savelist to savename
- Added new savelist command
- Renamed savelistcs to savenamecs
- Added new savelistcs command
- Renamed iflistundef to ifnameundef
- Added new iflistundef test
- Renamed iflistsequal to ifnamesequal
- Added new iflistsequal test
- Renamed iflistequals to ifnameequals
- Added new iflistequals test
- Renamed iflistequalcs to ifnameequalcs
- Added new iflistequalcs test
- Renamed iflistequalstr to ifnameequalstr
- Added new iflistequalstr test
- Renamed ifcurrentlist to ifcurrentname
- Added new ifcurrentlist test
- Entry type alias `conference' now resolved by BibTeX
- Entry type alias `mastersthesis' now resolved by BibTeX
- Entry type alias `phdthesis' now resolved by BibTeX
- Entry type alias `techreport' now resolved by BibTeX
- Entry type alias `www' now resolved by BibTeX
- Added new custom fields `lista' through `listf'
- Changed data type of `location'
- Changed data type of `origlocation'
- Changed data type of `publisher'
- Changed data type of `institution'
- Changed data type of `organization'
- Modified values of `gender' field for `jurabib' compatibility
- Modified and extended `idem...' keys for `jurabib' compatibility
- Improved addtocategory
- Removed formatting command mkshorthand
- Added field formatting directive `shorthandwidth'
- Added documentation of shorthandwidth
- Removed formatting command mklabelnumber
- Added field formatting directive `labelnumberwidth'
- Added documentation of labelnumberwidth
- Removed formatting command mklabelalpha
- Added field formatting directive `labelalphawidth'
- Added documentation of labelalphawidth
- Renamed ibitem to hebibitem
- Renamed lositem to helositem
- Modified AtBeginBibliography
- Added AtBeginShorthands
- Added AtEveryLositem
- Extended `showkeys' compatibility to list of shorthands
- Added compatibility code for the `hyperref' package
- Added package option `hyperref'
- Added package option `backref'
- Added special field `pageref'
- Added command ifhyperref
- Added command ibhyperlink
- Added field formatting directive `bibhyperlink'
- Renamed ifandothers to ifmorenames
- Added new ifandothers test
- Removed field `moreauthor'
- Removed field `morebookauthor'
- Removed field `moreeditor'
- Removed field `morelabelname'
- Removed field `moretranslator'
- Removed field `morenamea'
- Removed field `morenameb'
- Removed field `morenamec'
- Updated documentation at various places (see the changelog in biblatex.pdf for pointers)
- Expanded documentation (see the changelog in biblatex.pdf for pointers)
- Modified internal BibTeX interface
- Fixed some typos in the manual
- Fixed some bugs