Philipp Lehman writes:
I've uploaded `biblatex.tar.gz' to the incoming directory of the UK node. This is a maintenance update for macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/.
Please use the contents of the archive to replace the corresponding files in macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/. Note that the archive only contains the files which have actually been modified.
Thank you very much.
This is a minor maintenance update in response to the first wave of feedback to version 0.7.
Only biblatex.sty and biblatex.bst have been modified. The updated files are tagged 0.7a 2007/12/16.
Internal tweaks and bug fixes only. This release fixes compatibility issues with some other packages.
i have installed the changes to the package and updated the catalogue. thanks for the upload.
users may view the catalogue entry at: or browse the package directory at:
the update was installed yesterday, so it should be at almost all CTAN mirrors by now.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team