delayed announcement, due to pressure of (my) work, and a machine failure.
Name of contribution: The memoir class Author's name: Lars Madsen Package version: 3.7 Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/memoir/ Summary description: The memoir class for configurable typesetting License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
Long overdue maintenance update. From the README:
Changed (2013/05/22)
o memoir v3.7
-- Fixed emulated date for array -- Length resets when caption is loaded -- Fixed bug in subbottom[]{...}. -- Fixed bug in makeheadposition -- Removed hanksfootextra from manual -- Factored the box part out of the various <X>numberline macros -- The cftXfont can now end with a macro taking one argument -- Included a carbon copy of the textcase package by David Carlisle -- Default casing macro pagestyles is now MakeTextUppercase -- A hook is provided into part, ook and chapter which is executed just before writing the title to the TOC, can help overcome a -- hyperref problem -- MakeUppercase,MakeLowercase -> MakeTextUppercase, MakeTextLowercase -- Added a sniplet showcasing an approach to auto adjust the numwidths -- Added titlingpage* -- Added special hooks into chapter, part, ook, appendixpage, can be used to make chapter tocs, see sniplet appendix -- Clarification about maxtocdepth -- Made sure text after postchapterprecis behave as after chapter -- Added a hook at the very end of chapter, could be used to add a clearpage or similar -- Added a remark about trimmarks vs. synctex. -- Fixed bug in foottopagenote, now it works with continuousnotenums -- documented cftKformatpnumhook, see sniplet appendix -- Added a hook enabling color change in the showlocs page style -- Workaround for colors leaking into paragraph footnotes -- Subfloat counter reset factored out into macros -- split @makecaption into two -- longtable caption support -- Added an autoadjustment feature for marginparwidth -- rewritten how page notes are written to the .ent file -- added hyperref support to page notes
o memhfixc v1.16
-- restore footnote comma separation, when hyperfootnotes option is active (default in current hyperref)
-- make sure @starttoc behave like ours, when running under hyperref
thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the catalogue repository.
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Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team