----- Forwarded message from Melchior FRANZ ----- I've just uploaded ## soul.tar.gz ## to ## ftp.dante.de ## licensed under the ## LPPL ## Please unpack to ## macros/latex/contrib/soul/ ##
The soul package provides hyphenatable letterspacing, underlining, overstriking, and highlighting.
Version 2.4 ============================================================= - fixes bug that broke using soul under plain TeX, ConTeXt etc. - adds accent - adds > definition (for additional space between characters) - defsoulomit#1{#1} outside the soul domain - lets capssave check for overwriting a cs-name - fixes -,'` flushing - adds MakeUppercase and extsuperscript to font list - fixes font handling bug (makes MakeUppercase et al. work) - makes rudimentary footnotes work - fixes charhyphencharfont for negative hyphenchar (hl{ exttt{a-b}} ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the previous version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/soul/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team