An upgrade to the FiXme package has been installed on and should make its way through the mirroring process in the next day or two.
Thanks for the contribution! Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: FiXme v1.4 Name: Didier Verna Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/supported/ Summary description: FiXme 1.4 is out. License type: lppl
Announcement text: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm happy to release the next version of FiXme (1.4). This version contains one bug fix, plus additional support for the koma-script classes.
This package provides you with a way of inserting fixme notes in documents being developped (in draft mode). Such notes can appear in the margin of the document, as index entries, in the log file and as warnings on stdout. It is also possible to summarize them in a list, and in the index. If your document is in a final version, any remaining fixme note will produce an error. FiXme also comes with support for AUC-TeX.
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