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Thank you for the upload, Jim Hefferon Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: jeopardy Author's name: Robert Marik Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/jeopardy/ Summary description: Build a jeopardy game in LaTeX. License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The jeopardy package allows to build a jeopardy game with pdfLaTeX. It is based on the jj_game class and exerquiz package, written by D. P. Story. The author of the game can use multichoice questions or fill-in questions. The answer for fill-in questions is either a mathematical formula or text string (see the documentation of exerquiz and RespBoxMath and RespBoxTxt commands to learn more about the capabilities). JavaScripts are written to record the score. If the score is greater than a given value, a hidden string is shown. The user should use the style with some screen presentation package, such as web or pdfscreen.
For the new version of jeopardy package, a new option picture has been added. This option allows to build game where the user (student) answers questions and uncovers (after a correct answer) parts of hidden picture. The new option is demonstrated in game1a.pdf, game2a.pdf and game4.pdf files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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