On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Heiko Oberdiek submitted an update of the
Excerpt from hyperref's ChangeLog:
- Removal of option `dvipdf' and driver `hdvipdf.def'.
- Driver detection is changed: hyperref respects the setting of pdfoutput and does not change it. Also pdfcompresslevel is not changed anymore.
- New option `pdfa': It tries to make the PDF code, generated by hyperref, more compatible to PDF/A, thus that the PDF file can be more easily converted by Adobe Acrobat, for example. (Many PDF/A related things are not under the control of hyperref.)
- New option `linktoc' added, see README.
And lots of bug fixes. More details, see ChangeLog.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf