----- Forwarded message from Javier Bezos ----- I've uploaded to the DANTE server the files
esindex.sty esindex.tex README
(zipped as bezos.zip) which should be replace the files currectly under
=============================================================== With esindex you can write, say, esindex{cañón} and the entry will be correctly alphabetized. This release of esindex works with accented characters in any encoding, or so I hope, and without babel. ===============================================================
I've uploaded to the DANTE server the 4 files
enumitem.sty enumitem.tex enumitem.pdf README
(zipped as enumitem.zip) which should be placed under the new directory
Note this package is not placed under contrib/bezos any more.
=============================================================== Enumitem is package to customize the three basic lists (enumerate, itemize and description) by means of a set of parameters.
It provides most of the flexibility you may want to design your own lists: - fancy labels and fancy refs, - leftmargin, labelsep and labelwidth automatically set, - changes applied globally or only in one of the three types or even in a single list (including topsep) by means of a sort of inheritance, - several description styles (which fix some bad spacing, too), - starting value and resuming the counter, - trivlists properly formatted, - control on page breaking =============================================================== ----- End forwarded message -----
Thank you very much for the upload. I installed the files as suggested in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/bezos/ and CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/enumitem/.
The latter package moved from the common directory macros/latex/contrib/bezos to a place of its own.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team