Jean-François Burnol submitted an update to the
Summary description: Use the text font in math mode License type: lppl
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2e [2013/01/10]
This version should be the last one in the 1.2 series as it seems to correct most of the main problems which were introduced with the massive use of mathematically active characters in versions 1.2 and 1.2b.
* It is indeed a thorny point when one wants to modify only in math mode how an active character acts, without breaking things. The package now does that /only/ if the activation appears to originate in the Babel system, as it is then possible to modify appropriately the Babel macros user@active<char> and ormal@char<char>. The relevant issues are discussed in section 2.10 of the user manual, in the test file testmathastextalphabets.tex, and in the source code comments to the macro mst@mathactivate. The inherent incompatibility of Babel with packages having made mathematically active the characters itself makes document active is circumvented by this interference of mathastext. A generally applicable Babel patch could be derived from the method used by mathastext.
* The technique of mathematical activation is maintained only for the characters which are not catcode active (at the entrance in math mode, as mathastext does all its activation job at everymath and everydisplay).
* Sadly, the feature of added italic corrections introduced in version 1.2b did not behave as described in the user manual, due to forgotten group braces. Fixed.
* The command MTlowerast from the user manual of v1.2d was not the one implemented in the source code. Fixed.
* The test files automatically extracted from a latex run on the dtx file have been revised and extended.
* The code is better documented.
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf