On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
CJK 4.5.1
After a seemingly endless period of lazyness I've finally managed to release CJK 4.5.1. The last `official' version has been 4.2.0, released in December 1998. Intermediate versions (4.3.0, 4.4.0, and 4.5.0, already providing most of the features of 4.5.1) appeared on the TeX Live CDs.
CJK 4.5.1 is available from ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/tex/language/chinese/CJK and other CTAN hosts and its mirrors. Following the CTAN rules, the source files of CJK are unpacked. Additionally, the archive cjk-4.5.1-doc.tar.gz is available which provides some CJK documentation and example files in various output formats.
Current development snapshots (updated twice a day) are available from ftp://ftp.ffii.org/pub/cjk/devel/.
Bug reports should go to cjk-bug@ffii.org.
CJK is a macro package for LaTeX, providing simultaneous support for various Asian scripts in many encodings (including Unicode):
Chinese (both traditional and simplified) Japanese Korean Thai
A special add-on feature is an interface to the Emacs editor (cjk-enc.el) which gives simultaneous, easy-to-use support to a bunch of other scripts in addition to the above:
Cyrillic Greek Latin-based scripts Russian Vietnamese
See below for the relevant snippet from the history file.
Version 4.5.1: new: 17-Jun-2002 CJKulem.sty: Full underlining support using the latest version of ulem.sty.
Bg5+ and GBK charsets and encodings added (together with `Bg5+text' and `GBKtext' environments). The encodings are C09 and C19, respectively. `bg5+latex' and `gbklatex' scripts added (together with its DOS and OS/2 pendants); both call the new converter `extconv'. EUC-JP and EUC-TW encodings (*with* single shifts) added. SJIS encoding with DNP fontencoding. A configuration file `CJK.cfg' will be read in by CJK.sty just before the endinput command. CJKnumb.sty: Added the macro CJKdigits to CJKnumb.sty for printing a (INT) number with CJK digits. Added macro CJKnullspace to control the amount of space inserted before and after a circle character used for CJK digit zero. Added the macro CJKindent to CJK.sty which sets the paragraph indentation to two ideographic spaces. Added a test file `CJKbabel.tex' for testing CJK, emacs 20, and the babel package. Thai support for Babel added. Added a test file `thai.tex' for testing Thai. cjk-enc.el: Will now work with XEmacs also (except for Thai). Support for ISO-8859-7 (Greek) added.
Support for multifile documents added. As a
consequence, it is now necessary to specify the
encoding of all files with local variables for Emacs
(see the comments at the end of the files in the
`examples' directory how to do that; the `coding: ...'
line must exist. The translation tex->cjk will now be executed only if the source file is more recent than the corresponding output file (it is still possible to force translation though). Hyphenation patterns for unaccented pinyin syllables (together with support for the Babel package) in utils/pyhyphen. Documentation is in doc/pyhyphen.doc. pinyin.sty: Added option `useCMmacron' (for LaTeX only) to use a macron accent from the CM fonts in case the current font doesn't have it (e.g. some versions of virtual files for Palatino). Compound syllables can now be hyphenated. MULEenc.sty: Added CJKinclude{<file>}, CJKinput{<file>}, and CJKbibliography{<file>} macros which behave similar to include, input, and ibliography but include (input) <file>.cjk and <file>-cjk.bib instead. CJK.sty/MULEenc.sty: The command CJKverbatim will suppress insertion of glue between CJK and Thai characters in verbatim environments if the `verbatim' package is used. This is useful if you have overlong lines. changed: Thai support has been redesigned. The external program `thaiconv' has been replaced by a Lisp file called thai-word.el; ligatures in virtual Thai fonts are now used to select the proper glyph representation forms. See thaifont.doc and cjk-enc.doc for details. CNS stuff moved into a `CNS' directory.
cefconv, cef5conv, cefsconv, bg5conv, sjisconv,
The character slot 0xA0 is no longer used for
CJKchar; instead, the multiplex character 0x7F
interface will now handle this also. Additionally,
character 0x7F (instead of 0xFF) will be used as
delimiting character. 0x7F is used for all CJK
characters also in preprocessed mode---as a
consequence, preprocessed and non-preprocessed data
can be used simultaneously.
You *must* update the *conv programs (if you use
them). CJKpreproc and CNSpreproc now contain the
current version string so you can check whether really
the new versions are called. cjk-enc.el: ET5 encoding for Vietnamese replaced with T5 encoding. The version for emacs 20 has been removed. Please upgrade your emacs to 20.7 or newer. contrib/wadalab: Use CJK font size functions instead of DNP ones. hbf2gf: The configure option --with-kpathsea-dir has been replaced with --with-kpathsea-include and --with-kpathsea-lib to support web2c installations with multiple architectures. errors: cjk-enc.el: The formatting parameter `%i' has been replaced with `%d'. pmC.chr: Missing ifCJK@ added. Punctuation macros fixed. Bg5.chr: Fixed a typo CJK@temp -> CJK@gtemp. hbf2gf: Will now work correctly with very large pixel sizes. Punctuation with half-width katakana in SJIS encoding improved. A bug fixed which prevented the usage of caption files together with hyperref. KS encoding with HLaTeX fontencoding will now support punctuation also. Specifying a font size factor (like `CJK * [1.5]') in FD files no longer produces a warning message for all subfonts.
Thanks for the update, I installed it.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf