Philipp Lehman wrote:
I've uploaded `biblatex.tar.gz' to the incoming directory of the UK node. This is a maintenance update for macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/.
Please use the contents of the archive to replace the corresponding files in macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/. Note that the archive only contains the files which have actually been modified.
Thank you very much.
This is a minor maintenance update for biblatex 0.7. The following files have been modified:
latex/biblatex.sty latex/biblatex.def latex/lbx/*.lbx
The updated files are tagged 0.7c 2008/02/03.
- Added mkpagetotal This is like mkpageprefix but formats the pagetotal field: DeclareFieldFormat{pagetotal}{mkpagetotal[bookpagination]{#1}}
- Fixed bug in mkpageprefix
- Improved KOMA-Script support The headings 'bibliography' and 'shorthands' are responsive to the 'bibtotoc' and 'bibtotocnumbered' class options now.
- Added ifkomabibtotoc Use ifkomabibtotoc{<true>}{<false>} in heading definitions to check the state of the 'bibtotoc' class option (works only with 'KOMA' classes).
- Added ifkomabibtotocnumbered Use ifkomabibtotocnumbered{<true>}{<false>} in heading definitions to check the state of the 'bibtotocnumbered' class option (works only with 'KOMA' classes).
- Added ifmemoirbibintoc Use ifmemoirbibintoc{<true>}{<false>} in heading definitions to check the state of memoir's ibintoc switch (works only with the memoir class).
- Updates for various localization files
thanks for the upload. i have installed the package and updated the catalogue (in a microscopic way).
users may view the catalogue entry at: or browse the package directory at:
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team