quoth the daemon:
Name of contribution: chemmacros Author's name: Clemens Niederberger Package version: 4.3 Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/chemmacros/ Summary description: A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
- new commands NewChemIUPAC, LetChemIUPAC, NewChemParticle NewChemNMR, NewChemPhase, NewChemReaction, RenewChemReaction NewChemState
- added macro names with more meaningfule names to each of the one-letter name commands
- changed behaviour of DeclareChem<...> to match DeclareRobustCommand, i.e., no check if command is defined; added a NewChem variant to each that /does/ check; use NewChem<...> instead of DeclareChem<...> for definitions
- new iupac command dento
- new option choice `nmr/pos=super'
- bug fix in appearance of coupling nuclei
- new possibilities for formatting the output of the NMR coupling constants output with J: `coupling-pos=side/sub', `coupling-nuclei-pre', `coupling-nuclei-post', `coupling-bonds-pre', `coupling-bonds-post', `coupling-symbol'
- internal changes to the greek letter mapping selection mechanism
- deprecate package option `strict'
- deprecate package option `cmversion': also all backwards compatibility for version 1 has been dropped
- drop command mhName
- changed behaviour of DeclareChem<...> to match DeclareRobustCommand, i.e., no check if command is defined; added a NewChem variant to each that /does/ check; use NewChem<...> instead of DeclareChem<...> for definitions
- new option stoich-print
- new command chstoich
- rename Chem<name => chem<name>, the old names will issue warnings but still work
- new mappings `textalpha' (cf the package with the same name, part of `greek-fontenc')
- chemgreek_new_mapping:nnn redefined so that package name must be given if needed; chemgreek_activate_mapping:n now issues a warning if the needed package hasn't been loaded
- if hyperref has been loaded with package option `unicode' and the `textalpha' package has been loaded, too, we can use greek letters in PDF bookmarks
- new command printchemgreekmapping
- showchemgreekmapping now writes information to the log instead of the file
archivist's commment: whew!
Announcement required: Yes
Uploader's additional comments:
Users may view the package catalogue entry at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/chemmacros or they may browse the package directory at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/chemmacros/
thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the catalogue repository.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team