On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Walter Schmidt submitted the new release 5.4 of the EPM TeX Front End, a module for the OS/2 editor EPM, which turns the editor into an integrated TeX environment. The TeX Front End is primarily made for use with the TeX system VTeX/2.
Main news with this release:
* All particular features of the former professional version, including the live menu, are now made available also with the precompiled (linkable) version. Special thanks to Andreas Schnellbacher!
* The `classic' flavor of the TFE (the one for use with emTeX) is no longer shipped as a precompiled module. It can, however, still be compiled from the sources.
* Both the source code and the ready-made module are compatible with NEPMD 1.01 and later.
See the file NEWS for further details.
Thanks for the update
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf