Uwe Lück submitted an update to the
Summary description: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX - generate HTML License type: free
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wiki-like syntax announced before moves from personal/ experimental `texblog.fdf' to `blogligs.sty' and `markblog.sty', properly documented in `blog.pdf'. Moreover, the HTML file `markblog.htm' provides an overview of the wiki features (and the source code in `markblog.tex' may demonstrate the syntax too).
- `markblog.sty' and `texlinks.sty' together emulate Wikipedia's piped links ([[Pipeline|Pipe]], [[Pipe (computing)|]])
- `blog.sty' v0.8: - indicating DOCTYPE - commands for various head (meta) element entries - abbr, ewabbr, stylespan (for CSS), extup, underbar, xmleltcode, xmleltattrcode; ewlet - arrows and quotes completed, currencies, small fractions - other additional symbols - modified code spaces with declared attributes - using `langcode.sty' - symbols restructured - documentation fixes
- `blogexec.sty' v0.2: - MakeBlogBeginRun revised - new ChangeBlogBeginRun and CopyBlogBeginRun - actually, I had failed to upload v0.1!
- `texlinks.sty' v0.7: - links to http://tug.org/interest.html - smart parsing for linking to mailing list postings, based on `langcode.sty' - ctanpkgstyref adds `.sty' - documentation fixes
- `README' corrected
- `atari_ht.fdf' uses MakeActiveLet from `catcodes' bundle
- `blogdot.sty' v0.41 modifies/corrects startscreenpage and documentation (Firefox 12 change?)
- `srcfiles.tex' applies `filesdo.sty' for `filedate' checks
- `texblog.fdf' contains really private and experimental code anyway and thus changes within every few days ...
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/morehype . More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/morehype (if the package is new it may take a day for that information to appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org . Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf