----- Forwarded message from Athanassios Protopapas ----- I have just uploaded to ftp.dante.de the file apa.tar.gz which contains the following:
apa/CHANGELOG apa/LICENCE apa/README apa/apa.cls apa/apacls.txt apa/apaenum.txt apa/endfloat.cfg apa/examples.txt
This is a major upgrade for apa.cls, the LaTeX2e class for typesetting documents according to the APA manual (5th ed) recommendations for manuscript submission, or in an APA-journal look, or as regular LaTeX documents, with the switch of a class parameter. The current version is 1.3.0 and is datestamped as 2002/08/30. It replaces version 1.23 (which should have been 1.2.3) of apa.cls (and accompanying documentation) currently found at CTAN under
There are several bug fixes and new features in this new version, most notably an upgrade to the latest edition of the APA manual, handling of appendices and long tables, and miscellaneous minor corrections and improvements, all detailed in the CHANGELOG.
The licensing terms for this package are as specified by the LaTeX Project Public License (lppl) -- a note to this effect is included in apa.cls and also as a separate LICENCE file.
Please replace the contents of the aforementioned directory with the contents of the uploaded archive.
Thank you for maintaining CTAN!
Thanassi Protopapas ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/other/apa/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team