----- Forwarded message from George Pearson George.Pearson@mackichan.com ----- + what you've uploaded
In the directory /incoming/sviewer400 the files svreadme.txt and sviewer400.exe
+ which CTAN node you've uploaded to
+ where you want the files to go
Replace the existing files in tex-archive/systems/win32/scientificviewer/
+ what licensing conditions you apply to your software (see list below).
No change (nosource as I recall).
+ a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do. (please note that the mail should be in english for speedy processing)
From the readme:
Scientific Viewer 4.0 is a free program for reading and printing (read- only) documents created with Scientific Notebook, Scientific Word or Scientific WorkPlace by MacKichan Software, Inc. Scientific Viewer can also be used to view many native LaTeX documents. Mathematics is difficult to display with ordinary browsers. Scientific Viewer is a version of Scientific Notebook which does not allow saving documents, but does allow printing of read-only documents. It is free and may be distributed freely. It can also be downloaded from our web site. Scientific Viewer has three advantages over other browsers: - There is no limit to the mathematics you can display. - The files will be small and will download quickly. - Users can print high quality documents from your web site.
George Pearson MacKichan Software, Inc. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload, I installed the new version in CTAN:/tex-archive/systems/win32/scientificviewer/ as suggested.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team