----- Forwarded message from Dwight Aplevich ----- Circuit_macros5.5.tar.gz has been copied into the incoming directory of ftp.dante.de. Its expanded contents are to replace the contents of graphics/circuit_macros. The copyright is almost public domain.
From the README:
... This is a set of macros for drawing high-quality line diagrams to include in TeX, LaTeX, or similar documents. The macros were originally intended for electric circuit diagrams containing fundamental elements, amplifiers, transistors, and basic logic gates, but several tools and examples for other types of diagrams are also included. The advantages and disadvantages of such a system are similar to those of TeX itself, which is macro-based and non-wysiwyg, with ordinary character input.
The macros evaluate to drawing commands in the pic little language, which is easy to read and learn. Pic is well suited to line drawings requiring parametric or conditional components, fine tuning, significant geometric calculations or repetition, or to drawings that are naturally block structured or tree structured. Arbitrary formatted text can be included. Free TeX- and LaTeX-compatible interpreters for m4 and pic are readily available. ... EXAMPLES: Read the manual man.ps and view or print the file examples.ps in the examples directory, or for the possibly unstable development version, try http://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~aplevich/Circuit_macros/
A collection of examples and hints intended for his colleagues has been produced by Alan Robert Clark at http://ytdp.ee.wits.ac.za/cct.html ... CHANGES: Version 5.5: New macros potentiometer, variable, igbt, tline. Optional negated logic gate inputs. Options for diode, source. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the previous version in CTAN:graphics/circuit_macros/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team