The packages described below have been updated on and should make it to your favorite mirror real, real soon.
Thanks for the updates, Jim Hefferon
This is the update message from the package maintainer: ==========================================================
I have just uploaded to new versions of my 4 packages, namely antomega v. 0.8, cm-lgc v. 0.5, ofntinst 0.2.2 and grkfinst 0.3.2.
Please update the corresponding directories on CTAN (antomega is installed into systems/omega/contrib/antomega/, cm-lgc into fonts/ps-type1/cm-lgc/, and my fontinst packages into fonts/utilities/fontinst-contrib/).
Note that cm-lgc 0.5 is a major new release, with a lot of new features added (the full list of enhancements is available in the HISTORY file inside the package).
Antomega 0.8 is a great step to a really stable version, and, although I continue a sequential version numbering, it may be considered a major new release too. The following new features are most important ones:
======================================================= - -- added (experimental) support files for new languages (Spanish and Latin);
- -- added special options allowing to use antomega with Scientific Word/Scientific Workplace;
- -- added a concept of Unicode-based encoding definitions, so that standard encoding description files (like t1enc.def) are no longer used by antomega;
- -- new concept of handling TeX accents and Unicode combining accent marks is introduced, allowing to workaround the known Omega problem. In Omega the accent command may produce correct results only if its second argument is given in document's output encoding; but this is no longer a problem for antomega.
- -- Greek hyphenation patterns updated.
- -- Thanks in advance, Alexej Kryukov