On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 John Burt submitted an update to the
Poemscol is a set of LaTeX macros for typesetting critical editions of poetry. Its features include automatic linenumbering, generation of separate endnotes sections for emendations, textual collations, and explanatory notes, special marking for cases in which page breaks occur during stanza breaks, running headers of the form ``Notes to pp. xx--yy''for the notes sections, index of titles and first lines, and automatic generation of table of contents.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/poemscol Summary description: macros for critical editions of poetry License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed bug which put extra white space after new kinds of endnotes in sections of line numbered prose. Improved handling of conditionals in prose sections numbered by sentence and paragraph. More flexibility in numbering prose sections by sentence and paragraph. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Sch�pf