Maïeul Rouquette submitted an update to the
reledmac and reledpar
Version numbers: reledmac: 2.7.0 reledpar: 2.6.2
License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Typeset scholarly editions
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- People should read the §1.15 of the migration.pdf
New features: - New commands to make glossaries related to page and linenumber with the package {glossaries} package - New hooks: Xlemmafont and Xendlemmafont - New hooks: Xhsize and hsizeX - New setting commands: setSErefonlypageprefixsingle and setSErefonlypageprefixmore - Warning for duplicate and undefined labels are parsable by latexmk - When using hyperref package, add link in familiar footnotes between the footnote marks in the text and the footnote marks in the footnote - When using hyperref package, add links for SEref and related, appref and related - When using package hyperref package, add links from critical footnotes and critical endnotes to the line of text they refers
Bugfixs: - Add dash as default page range separator for SEonlypage - Debug SErefonlypage when referring to only one page - Delete parenthesis after SErefonlypage - Delete parenthesis after SErefonlypage - Fix (again) bugs with footnote numbering in parallel typesetting while using ledgroup environments (bug added in v2.5.0) - Fix bug with SErefwithpage - Fix bugs in compatibility with `innote' and option `notenumber' options of indextools package, when indexing outside of a ledgroup. - Fix bug (added in reledpar v2.6.0) with footnote numbering in parallel typesetting while using polyglossia with specific number formatting (like Greek)
This package is located at
More information is at
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz