----- Forwarded message from Walter Schmidt ----- I have uploaded the file luximono.zip to the /incoming directory at dante.ctan.org. Please, create a new directory fonts/LuxiMono and unpack my ZIP file there. (Do not unpack the inner ZIP file ul9.zip.)
This bundle includes the free LuxiMono Type1 fonts and all required files to use them with LaTeX on the Un*x or PC platform. It is already part of the TexLive7 CD-ROM.
LuxiMono is a family of general-purpose monospaced (typewriter) fonts.
The Luxi fonts include the Euro symbol. Accessing it through the textcompanion encoding and the command exteuro needs at least version 9 of the PSNFSS system.
The installation instructions cover any TDS-compliant TeX system, such as teTeX, MikTeX or VTeX/Free. Font mapping files are provided for dvips and pdfTeX as well as for VTeX/Free. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the submission. I installed it in CTAN:/tex-archive/fonts/LuxiMono/ as suggested.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team