----- Forwarded message from Till Tantau ----- I have put version 2.00 of the beamer package (macros/latex/contrib/beamer) on fpt://dante.ctan.org/incoming/latex-beamer-2.00.tar.gz and version 0.60 of pgf (graphics/pgf) on fpt://dante.ctan.org/incoming/pgf-0.60.tar.gz.
beamer version 2.00
Added: - Added placement options to columns and column commands. - Added column command. - Added label option to frames. - Added againframe command for showing a frame again later on (very useful!). - Added includeonlyframe command for typesetting only specific frames. - Added AtBeginSection, AtBeginSubsection, and AtBeginPart commands (very useful!). - Added visible command (opposite of invisible). - Added verse, quotation, and quote environments. - Added abstract environment (not very useful in my opinion). - Added colored option to defverbatim for use with lstlisting. - Added grid density option to grid background. - Added professionalfont option. - Added automatic support of serif math minion fonts. - Added option to pause command to pause only from a specific slide on. - Added unpause to stop the last pause. - Includes enumerate.sty by default and allows one to use its functionality in beamer. - Added dark and tab options to beamerthemesidebar. Other sidebar themes no longer needed. - Made ote work also inside frames. - Added templates for notes. - Added notes=onlyframeswithnotes option for generating only frames that contain a note. - Added options to all insertshortxxx commands. - Added option for passing arguments to color, xcolor, pgf, and hyperref. - Added action and actionenv environments. - Added the concept of actions to overlay specifications. For example, itemalert@2 will alert the item on the second slide and item<2-| alert@2> will furthermore have the item covered before that. - Added <> option to ewcommand and ewenvironment to make the defined commands overlay-specification aware. - only and alt will now also accept an overlay specification at the end. - Block environments now accept overlay specification also before the argument. - Added mode command - Added beamerbasearticle.sty -> makes nearly all beamer commands available in article mode in a sensible way. - Added mode specifications to section and subsection commands (useful for the article version). - Started adding some templates for rendering frames in article mode. - Added lecture command and includeonlylecture (useful for lecture notes). - Added a containsverbatim option to the frame command. Should be used instead of the old frameall:1 (which is, however, still supported). - Made includegraphics, pgfimage, and pgfuseimage overlay-specification-aware. (useful for pseudo-animations) Changed: - Every frame is now put into a box internally. Slides will never be split over two pages. - pause commands now transcends blocks (very useful, but not compatible!) - Balls are now also used for enumerations, not just for itemize in shadow theme. Use eamertemplateenumeratealpha to get old behaviour. - Changed syntax of alert and structure templates. - Reworked internals of overlay management. Should produce slightly shorter files. - Changed file names of .jpg and .png images to start with beamer- to avoid name clashes. - Renamed original to eameroriginal because of clash with lucidia font styles. - Streamlined themes to use the same basic templates. - oteitems replaced by ote[enumerate]. - ameslide command is now obsolete. Use the label= option instead. - Removed notesonly option. Use notes=only. - Themes beamerthemesidebartab, beamerthemesidebardark, and beamerthemesidebardarktab are now obsolete. Use beamerthesesidebar will appropriate options instead. - Theme beamerthemetreebars obsolete. Use beamerthemetree with option bars instead. - Removed compressnotes option. Use eamertemplatenotecompress instead. Removed: - Removed pauses environment (no longer needed). - Improved pgf makes pgfonly superfluous. Use only instead. - Removed reproducable .pdf example files from repository for faster cvs checkout/checkin. - Removed invisibleon command (was superfluous anyway). - Removed mixinon command (was not very useful and clashes with new pause command; use opaqueness instead). - Removed ewoverlaycommand and enewoverlaycommand. Can be better implemented using ewcommand<>. - Removed article, presentation, and common commands (still quietly tolerated). Should be replaced by mode<article>, mode<presentation>, and mode<all>. - Removed beamer/lyx/doc. Documentation is now incorporated in the main user's guide. LyX: - Added a big example file beamerlyxexample1.lyx. - Changed ableofcontents command so that options can be given in LyX. - Changed frame command in LyX so that options can be given. - Added overprint and overlayarea environments. - Added againframe command. - Changed beamer.layout to use new command column. Old environment no longer supported in lyx. - A new frame and a section or subsection will automatically close the previous frame. EndFrame is only needed before the end of the document, before the appendix, and before out-of-frame material. - Added TitleGraphic command. - Documented the LyX interface in beameruserguide.pdf. Bugfixes: - Fixed bugs with jumping blocks in overlays. - Fixed bug with tabbing in beamerbaseboxes. - Added work-around for problem with black background in older versions of acroread. - Fixed problems with linebreak in short title and short author in sidebar themes.
pgf version 0.60:
- Replaced some commands for the postscript code by shorter versions for smaller file size. - Fixed bug in pgfbox command that caused incorrect kerning in postscript output. - Fixed bug in pgfsys@defineimage that made page inclusion impossible. - Fixed bug in pgfshading that did not reset dash patterns in shadings in the PostScript version. - Spaces are now allowed inside the pgfpicture environment. - Added pgfgrid command. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed both packages as suggested replacing the previous versions at CTAN:graphics/pgf and CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/beamer
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team