i've installed a new version of the uk tex faq, on ctan (help/uk-tex-faq), on the www.tex.ac.uk/faq web page, and for distributors on the private address they will already know.
this new version has a few more questions answered, a number of updates and corrections of old answers, but textually there's been little change.
the web appearance has changed slightly, but the big difference is that there is now a seach via google link (which specialises the search you request so that it only looks at the faq: Hans Nordhaug found this facility for me). i would welcome users' views on this addition: the existence of the google facility obviously saves me the trouble of writing a proper search mechanism (which has long been delayed on my list of things-to-do), but if users dislike the google arrangement, it won't continue.
as always, i welcome comments about, or suggestions or (best of all) actual text, for the faq. submissions should be sent to faq@tex.ac.uk
Robin Fairbairns
UK TeX FAQ maintainer