On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Javier Bezos wrote:
I've uploaded to the DANTE server the following files under incoming/gloss/: gloss.sty, gloss.tex, glsbase.bib, glsplain.bst, glsshort.bst, readme, sample.bib, sample.tex.
Please, delete the contents of /macros/latex/contrib/ supported/gloss, and place under it the new files.
This release (1.5.1) fixes a few bugs:
- page was missing when a nocite form was followed by a normal form (not a frequent situation, however).
- chars usually allowed in cite now are allowed in gloss as well
- refpage was no-op with nocite. Now it can be used to refer to the page even if the term in not cited in the text (and since this combination did not make sense formerly, I hope there won't be uncompatibilities).
License is lppl, as before.
Thanks for the update. As you requested, I installed the new files in
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf