Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss@FU-Berlin.DE wrote:
I uploaded pst-bar.tgz to the uk mirror. Please delete _all_ files in the directory /graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-bar/
and put the new ones in there.
With pst-bar, one may use pstricks to produce bar charts directly from a data file. This version has the following changes:
v 0.92 2008/11/26 -- some more improvements to the code (hv) -- Bar labels now set within parboxes to keep them from becoming too long or overlapping with neighboring labels. New keys ``labelalign'' and ``labelwidth'' added to control this behavior.(ar) -- Code now uses pst-xkey instead of pst-keyval for managing keys.(hv)
The author of this package is Alan Ristow.
i have installed the files as reqested, and updated the catalogue repository; thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team