Name of contribution: Mathdesign
Author's name: Paul Pichaureau
Package version: 2.31
Location on CTAN: fonts/mathdesign/
Summary description: High quality, free mathematical fonts that match with existing text fonts.
License type: gpl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
Free mathematical fonts that match with existing text fonts.
By now, six fonts families are available: Adobe Utopia, URW Garamond,
Bitstream Charter, Adobe Garamond Pro, Adobe UtopiaStd and ITC Charter.
Mathdesign covers the whole LaTeX glyph set, including AMS symbols and
some extra. Both roman and bold versions can be used. Moreover you can
choose between three greek fonts (two of them created by the Greek Font
v 2.31 * removed Windows-type end of line in text files
* URW Garamond is now a non-free fonts
v 2.3 * distribution splitted in free and non-free
* fontdimen corrected (for fractions)
* infinity symbol redesigned
* afm files no longer distributed
Announcement required: Yes
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thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.