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Thank you, Jim Hefferon Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: PST-Cox Author's name: Jean-Gabriel Luque Location on CTAN: /graphics/pstricks/contrib Summary description: Drawing regular complex polytopes with PSTricks License type: lgpl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We have wrote a new package for PSTricks for drawing 2 dimensional projection of complex regular polyopes (after the work of Coxeter).
The package consists in a library of macro for drawing the projections. The complex polytopes appears in the study of the roots systems and play a crucial role in many domains related to mathematics and physics. These polytopes have been completely described by Coxeter in his book Regular Complex Polytopes. there exist only a finite numbers of exceptional regular complex polytopes (for example the ikosae dron) and some infinite series (for example, one can construct multi-dimensional analogous of the hypercube in any -finite- dimension). The library contains two packages. The first, pst-coxcoor, is devoted to the exceptional complex regular polytopes whose coordinates have been pre-computed. The second, pst-coxeterp, is devoted to the infinite series.
One can find also other informations in the beautiful page of Jean-Michel Sarlat:
To contact me, use the email given in the documentation of the package.
best wishes
Jean-gabriel Luque
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