Claire Connelly writes:
I have uploaded Simon Fear's booktabs package to (in booktabs.tar.gz).
The files in that archive should replace the current version of booktabs on CTAN, located in
(Simon didn't send me the readme file -- it can presumably stay the same.)
there isn't a readme file: i guess we have to make do with the excellent documentation found (in the usual way) in the .dtx source.
Booktabs is, with Simon's okay, now licensed under the GPL -- see below for details.
Booktabs is, of course, a package that allows you to produce publication-quality tables (ala _The Chicago Manual of Style_), as opposed to the standard tableaux seen in nearly every book on LaTeX. Relicensing it means that it can once again be included in teTeX (and Debian).
Simon's okay to replace the current version follows:
SF> From: SF> Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 12:34:34 -0400 SF> To: SF> Subject: booktabs package license SF> Message-ID: <> SF> Dear Claire, SF> sorry for not responding sooner. Robin Fairbairns phoned SF> me to remind me, I promised to send it to him this weekend SF> but my normal server is down, and I don't have his email - SF> would you please forward this to him. SF> Please (either of you) insert the necessary LaTeX SF> copyright where it currently says Copyright Simon SF> Fear. You have my complete permission to do this. (I SF> think LaTeX rather than GPL, since it has no meaning SF> outside LaTeX, but if you prefer GPL, that's fine by me.) SF> Also, please run and correct the checksum, which will SF> obviously now be wrong. Last but by no means least, please SF> suitably edit the .ins file, which currently claims this SF> is part of the LaTeX distribution (because I stole it more SF> or less wholesale from one of the main packages).
(this has been done, i presume by claire.)
SF> Sorry I haven't been able to do this myself, if there is a SF> problem please email both and SF> but I may not be able to be online SF> until Monday week, so fingers crossed this is all OK. SF> Please keep this package under supported. I know I kept SF> you waiting but when I get user queries I do still try to SF> reply by return. SF> Thanks for your encouragement
thanks to all involved, in helping us find simon, and especially to claire for being the point of contact through which this new version has arrived.
i've installed the files in the tarball, replacing the originals at macros/latex/contrib/supported/booktabs
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team