----- Forwarded message from Szabo Peter ----- I've just uploaded tt2001, an EC/TC Type1 font collection to CTAN. I've attached its README to my e-mail. Please find an appropriate location for the fonts, and move them there.
Thank you, Szabó Péter
README.txt, Mon Oct 1 13:30:27 CEST 2001
This is version 1.0 of Tt2001.
This is Tt2001, a TeX .pfb font collection, converted to .pfb in 2001 by the author of TeXtrace, using TeXtrace. It contains almost _all_ the EC (European Computer Modern) and TC (Text Companion) fonts in all possible design sizes, _all_ the AMS fonts in all possible design sizes, plus some more.
Author: pts@inf.bme.hu
The missing EC/TC fonts are:
fcvt0500.pfb fcvi0500.pfb fctt0500.pfb fcst0500.pfb fcit0500.pfb fctc0500.pfb fcff0500.pfb fcff0600.pfb fcff0700.pfb fcff0800.pfb fcfi0500.pfb fcfi0600.pfb fcfi0700.pfb fcfi0800.pfb fcfb2488.pfb fcfb2986.pfb fcfb3583.pfb fcfs2488.pfb fcfs2986.pfb fcfs3583.pfb fymisc10.pfb ucfb2488.pfb ucfb2986.pfb ucfb3583.pfb ucfs2488.pfb ucfs2986.pfb ucfs3583.pfb ucff0500.pfb ucff0600.pfb ucff0700.pfb ucff0800.pfb ucff1728.pfb ucff2074.pfb ucff2986.pfb ucff3583.pfb ucfi0500.pfb ucfi0600.pfb ucfi0700.pfb ucfi0800.pfb ucfi2986.pfb ucfi3583.pfb ucit0500.pfb ucst0500.pfb uctt0500.pfb ucvi0500.pfb ucvt0500.pfb
They are missing because METAFONT failed to generate them. The missing EC fonts are just some typewriter fonts at 5pt, plus some Fibonacci and funny fonts.
Quick and dirty UNIX shell command to find the missing fonts:
ls `awk -F '<' '/^[a-z]/{print$2}' <ecpfb.map` 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk -F ':' '{print substr($2,2)}'
TeXtrace is available from the net: http://textrace.sf.net
TeXtrace was first presented at EuroTeX 2001 http://www.ntg.nl/eurotex/.
Tanakori Uchiyama has reported:
By the way, there is a musixps-unix.tar.gz at CTAN. fonts/musixtex/ps-type1/musixps-unix.tar.gz I think that it is easy to get and use it.
Quoting subsubsection 5.4.1 of dvips.dvi:
Commercial versions of the Computer Modern fonts are available from Blue Sky; public domain versions are available from CTAN sites (for CTAN info, see section `unixtex.ftp'' in Kpathsea) in:
fonts/postscript/bakoma fonts/postscript/paradissa
You may need to modify these fonts; see http:///xxx.lanl.gov/faq/bakoma.html
Knuth's original CM (Computer Modern) fonts (_not_ including European accentend letters) were converted to .pfb by Bluesky in 1991. These Bluesky .pfb fonts (such as cmr10.pfb) are part of the standard teTeX distribution, and are available from CTAN since years ago.
Some auxilary fonts (such as the MetaFont logo and the Wasy fonts) were converted to .pfb by Taco Hoekwater, 1998.
Some fonts, such as Times, Helvetica and Charter were _originally_ in PFB format, so they need no conversion. Many of them are part of the standard teTeX distribution, and also from CTAN.
-- [B]+[T] Knuth's original CM (Computer Modern) fonts
Knuth's original CM fonts converted by Bluesky are:
cmb10 cmbsy10 cmbx10 cmbx12 cmbx5 cmbx6 cmbx7 cmbx8 cmbx9 cmbxsl10 cmbxti10 cmcsc10 cmdunh10 cmex10 cmex9 cmff10 cmfi10 cmfib8 cmitt10 cmmi10 cmmi12 cmmi5 cmmi6 cmmi7 cmmi8 cmmi9 cmmib10 cmr10 cmr12 cmr17 cmr5 cmr6 cmr7 cmr8 cmr9 cmsl10 cmsl12 cmsl8 cmsl9 cmsltt10 cmss10 cmss12 cmss17 cmss8 cmss9 cmssbx10 cmssdc10 cmssi10 cmssi12 cmssi17 cmssi8 cmssi9 cmssq8 cmssqi8 cmsy10 cmsy5 cmsy6 cmsy7 cmsy8 cmsy9 cmtcsc10 cmtex10 cmtex8 cmtex9 cmti10 cmti12 cmti7 cmti8 cmti9 cmtt10 cmtt12 cmtt8 cmtt9 cmu10 cmvtt10
Missing from Bluesky CM, included in Tt2001:
-- [T] all AMS fonts (AMS A, AMS B, other math fonts, Euler fraktur, cyrillic etc.) Most of them are available from [B].
AMS fonts as Bluesky .pfb's, converted in automn 1992: (below). Since then a lot of AMS fonts were drawn, so these are not enough:
cmbsy5 cmbsy7 cmmib5 cmmib7 euex10 eufb10 eufb5 eufb7 eufm10 eufm5 eufm7 eurb10 eurb5 eurb7 eurm10 eurm5 eurm7 eusb10 eusb5 eusb7 eusm10 eusm5 eusm7 msam10 msam5 msam7 msbm10 msbm5 msbm7 wncyb10 wncyi10 wncyr10 wncysc10 wncyss10
Tt2001 contains all AMS fonts (including those above):
cmbsy5 cmbsy6 cmbsy7 cmbsy8 cmbsy9 cmcsc8 cmcsc9 cmex7 cmex8 cmmib5 cmmib6 cmmib7 cmmib8 cmmib9 wncyb10 wncyb5 wncyb6 wncyb7 wncyb8 wncyb9 wncyi10 wncyi5 wncyi6 wncyi7 wncyi8 wncyi9 wncyr10 wncyr5 wncyr6 wncyr7 wncyr8 wncyr9 wncysc10 wncyss10 wncyss8 wncyss9 euex10 euex7 euex8 euex9 eufb10 eufb5 eufb6 eufb7 eufb8 eufb9 eufm10 eufm5 eufm6 eufm7 eufm8 eufm9 eurb10 eurb5 eurb6 eurb7 eurb8 eurb9 eurm10 eurm5 eurm6 eurm7 eurm8 eurm9 eusb10 eusb5 eusb6 eusb7 eusb8 eusb9 eusm10 eusm5 eusm6 eusm7 eusm8 eusm9 msam10 msam5 msam6 msam7 msam8 msam9 msbm10 msbm5 msbm6 msbm7 msbm8 msbm9
-- [T] EC (European Computer Modern) fonts (drawn by Jorg Knappen and Norbert Schwarz), LaTeX usepackage{t1enc}
-- [T] TC (Text Companion) fonts (drawn by Jorg Knappen and Norbert Schwarz)
-- [T] Knuth's original Concrete fonts (the font family of the book Concrete Mathematics)
-- [T] some LaTeX picture drawing etc. fonts. Converted in May 2001:
icmcsc10 icmex10 icmmi8 icmsy8 icmtt8 ilasy8 ilcmss8 ilcmssb8 ilcmssi8
-- [T] all xypic: LaTeX picture drawing
[2] contains some, but not all xypic:
xyatip10 xybsql10 xybtip10 xycirc10 xycmat10 xycmbt10 xydash10 xyeuat10 xyeubt10
[T] contains all xypic, except for xymisc10 (for which dvips failed):
xyatip10 xybsql10 xybtip10 xycirc10 xycmat10 xycmbt10 xydash10 xyeuat10 xyeubt10 xyline10 xyqc10
-- [T] yandy mathtime fonts:
mtcmmi mtcmsy
The following common teTeX .mf fonts are not available in .pfb yet:
-- jknappen/sauter/* -- lh/*/* (many!) -- public/*/* (too many!)
__EOF__ ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the huge (53974 KB) submission. I installed it in CTAN:/tex-archive/fonts/ps-type1
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team