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Thanks for the contribution, Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: LFB Author's name: Laurie Field Location on CTAN: /fonts/greek/lfb Summary description: Greek font, written in METAFONT, with normal and bold variants. License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Greek font I wrote in METAFONT several years ago after being inspired by the Bodoni typefaces I had seen in the old books in my school library. It is stylistically a little more exotic than the standard textbook greek fonts, particularly in glyphs like the lowercase rho and kappa. It aims for a rather calligraphic feel, but I also think it blends well with Computer Modern.
I included a ligature scheme which automatically inserts the breathings required for ancient texts, making the input text more readable than in some schemes. Since it is now de rigueur to use outline fonts, I have largely abandoned this project, but I hope someone finds it useful. - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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