the daemon said, this morning (while i was in a meeting):
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: titleps Author's name: Javier Bezos Package version: 1.1.0 Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/titlesec/ Summary description: Page styles (headers and footers) License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
Now titleps is a fully autonomous package, providing a complete alternative to other packages for page styles (headers and footers), with a one-stage higher-level mechanism not requiring leftmark's and
With titleps you have:
- Working top marks, compatible with floats (unlike the standard opmark, which does not work correctly in LaTeX).
- Access to top, first and botttom marks in a single headline/footline (e.g., the first and last section numbers).
- Auto-defining of suitable sectionmark and the like.
- Simple (and not so simple) headrules and footrules.
- Headlines and footlines for pages with floats.
- Headlines and footlines for specific floats (a sort of hispagestyle for floats).
New in version 1.1.0 are:
- Marks for more than 2 sectioning levels.
- Multiple sets of marks (here named marksets and extra marks). Requires e-TeX or compatible.
- Separate marksets for different sectioning commands.
- Fixed a serious bug with @mkboth (with was not even taken into account).
These changes also apply to titlesec (2.10.0), which is not required for titleps to work.
thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the catalogue repository.
Users may view the package catalogue entry at or they may browse the package directory at
The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) overnight tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team