On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Harald Harders submitted an update of the
bgteubner document class
to CTAN.
License: LPPL with an extra text Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/bgteubner/
From the README:
I have programmed the bgteubner.cls document class by order of the Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany. This has been done to ensure that books of this publisher have a unique layout. The publisher has allowed me to distribute the document class with auxilliary files and documentation freely. Unfortunately, most of the documentation is only available in German.
Since the document class is intended to generate a unique layout, many things (layout etc.) are fixed and cannot be altered by the user. If you want to use the document class for another purpose than publishing with the Teubner Verlag, this may arrise unwanted restrictions (For instance, the document class provides only two paper sizes: DIN A-5 and 17cm x 24cm; only two font families are supported: Times and European Computer Modern).
The document class needs some additional packages, partly relatively new ones, partly packages that are not installed on most TeX installations. A list of needed packages is contained in usefiles.txt.
2005/04/16 v1.35 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Allow to number paragraph and subparagraph.
2005/01/07 v1.34 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Remove wasysym integrals before amsmath is loaded.
2004/11/19 v1.33 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Avoid to use the calc package since it causes problems with many other packages.
2004/08/19 v1.32 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Move ifhhcls@times outside definition of appendixmore.
- Remove
mfamily from pagehead since ormalfont does that already.
2004/05/09 v1.31 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Minor buxfix for titlepage.
- Do not compile cdcover if cd-cover.sty is not available.
- Fix documentation of pdfoutput=0.
2004/04/09 v1.30 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Set PDF information only if PDF is produced.
- Write info file containing the same information as the PDF-info entries.
- Ignore class option `epsfigures'.
- Enable usage of includegraphics with DVI output.
- Print error message when using ordinary latex (Use pdflatex with pdfoutput=0 for producing DVI).
- Redefine quotation marks to allow math mode and kerning.
- Use bold instead of bold extended with Times.
- Error rather than a warning for using not existing bold math.
- answer environment: Remove egingroup and endgroup because they removed the correct linespacing.
- Make font in exercises adjustable.
- Improve spacing after title of theorem-like environment, subexercises, and subanswers.
- Subanswers can have another linespacing than answers.
- Start prefaces on odd and even pages.
- Change from LPPL 1.2 to LPPL 1.3.
2004/03/25 v1.21 Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de)
- Better top skip for important and longimportant when starting with a theorem-like environment. Unfortunately, this does not work with equations.
- Use correct framed.sty style if available, otherwise use workaround. (At the moment, only an inoffical framed.sty version is available that does not have the bug.)
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf