----- Forwarded message from Walter Schmidt w-a-schmidt@arcor.de ----- I have uploaded the file gensymb.zip to the /incoming directory at dante.ctan.org. Please, unpack it to the CTAN directory
macros/latex/contrib/supported/was .
Doing so will add the files gensymb.dtx and gensymb.ins and update the files upgreek.dtx and readme.1st. The other files in this directory are to remain unchanged.
This is the first (and somewhat experimental) release of the LaTeX package gensymb.sty. It provides generic commands degree, celsius, perthousand, micro and ohm, which work both in text and math mode. Various means are provided to fake the symbols or take them from particular symbol fonts, if they are not available in the default fonts used in the document. This should be perfectly transparent at user level, so that one can apply the same notation for units of measurement in text and math mode and with arbitrary typefaces. Note that the package has been designed to work flawlessly in conjunction with the famous units.sty.
This upload updates also the source file of my package upgreek.sty. However, only the documentation has been changed with respect to the new gensymb package, which can coopereate with upgreek. The macro package upgreek.sty is actually unchanged.
thank you in advance Walter Schmidt ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed the new and updated files in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/was/ as suggested.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team