On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 at 16:08 +0400, Basil Malyshev submitted version 8.0 of the
Location on CTAN: systems/win32/bakoma License: shareware
Most important improvements:
BaKoMa TeX 8.0 supports Unicode (UTF8) input encoding. To edit UTF8 encoded documents you can choose 'UTF8' option among other encodings of the parameter 'Document Input Encoding'. BaKoMa TeX supports UTF8 via complete Unicode (there is no restrictions related with current code page). Also, many features in BaKoMa TeX 8.0 internally works via Unicode. It includes spell checker, search, keyboard input, displaying, etc.
TeX Word Improvements:
- Handling TeX Errors - new feature. Buttons with red arrowsa are appeared at right bottom corner of main window when error messages exist in console window. These buttons allow browsing throght error messages and sources with accuracy of a single character.
- User - new program menu with user defined macros. User/Manage User Macros - dialog for adding macros to User menu.
- Search in Text Source Window It is available as option of context menu (when no selection) or via shortcut keys: F3, Alt+F3, Shift+F3. Search in Preview window is redesigned for more consistency.
- Input focus in source window is now stable Focus is returned to source window after all operations (invoking menu, opening dialogs, clicking toolbar and panel buttons,
etc.) and even after switching to another application. This feature enables using all TeXWord input tools at editing in source window.
- Speller Dialog is redesigned and have two additional commands to install more dictionaries: 'Install from Internet', 'Install from Local Disk'.
- Openning *.TEX files prompts to use TeXWord or Centaur.
- Mouse wheel scrolls window under mouse cursor.
- Menu and dialog accelerators work with any keyboard.
More details about changes and another bug fixing see at: < http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/bakoma/programs/changes7.html%...
-------------------- About BaKoMa TeX 8.0 ------------------
BaKoMa TeX 8.0 supports two coexisting IDE:
- BaKoMa TeX Word - True WYSIWYG LaTeX Editor.
- Text Editor + DVI Viewer - Clasical IDE.
About BaKoMa TeX Word.
BaKoMa TeX Word is True WYSIWYG LaTeX Editor.
The word `True' is used to highlight two following facts:
It is True WYSIWYG Editor. It means that display shows precisely the same what will be printed. It looks such that you edit your document immediately in DVI Viewer.
It is True LaTeX Editor. It edits LaTeX source text without any import/export procedure. It means that you can load and edit any LaTeX 2e document.
BaKoMa TeX Word is built on top of BaKoMa TeX graphic engine and consequently it inherits all features of BaKoMa TeX related with import graphics, font support, and document export.
It supports processors: (1) Standard TeX and (2) e-TeX. Other processors such as Omega may be added in future.
It imports: EPS, PDF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PCX, MSP, BMP, WMF, EMF, FIG, HPGL, and DXY. It supports fonts: OpenType (OTF/TTF), TrueType, PostScript Type1 (including MM), PostScript Type 3, and TeX PK/VF. It exports: DVI, PDF, SVG, PS, PNG (with HTML wrapper), and HTML (TeX4HT).
It includes built-in PostScript interpreter accessible via DVIPS compatible special interface that supports such macro packages as: PSTricks, PSFrag, graphics (psfig), draftcopy, PowerDot, Prosper, Beamer, etc.
Most important application of BaKoMa TeX Word is final step corrections of LaTeX papers before publishing.
Editing slides in WYSIWYG interface (with such packages as PowerDot, Prosper, Beamer, etc.) is another impressive feature of `BaKoMa TeX Word'.
TeXWord dramatically simplifies editing complex formulas and tables.
TeXWord is transparent for cooperation. TeXWord don't use additional macro packages. It uses only standard LaTeX packages, so that documents made up in TeXWord may be compiled in any LaTeX setup without any adaptation. In other side, TeXWord can handle arbitrary LaTeX documents. So, that your coleagues may even don't know that you use powerful WYSIWYG tool to edit your part of common work.
Beginner users of LaTeX may consider TeXWord as good start point for learning LaTeX together with writing papers.
More information about `BaKoMa TeX Word' is at: < http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/bakoma/programs/texword.html%3...
Some snapshots are available at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/bakoma/snapshots/
Root of BaKoMa TeX distributions is at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/bakoma/
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf