The LaTeX Team submitted an update to the
Version: 2021-05-01 pre-release 1 License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
In addition to LaTeX2e 2020-10-01 patch level 4, this pre-release features the following changes:
2020-12-22 Frank Mittelbach
* ltfssaxes.dtx (subsection{Changing to a new series}): Distangle series and shape update by delaying the font series and font shape merging (gh/444)
Move the rollback info for ormalshape after its main definition otherwise it will not be undone (gh/458)
2020-12-22 Frank Mittelbach
* ltfsstrc.dtx (subsection{General font loading}): Alter selectfont to do the delayed merging of font series and font shape (gh/444)
2020-12-27 Frank Mittelbach
* letter.dtx (subsubsection{Page breaking control}): The opening argument was splitting name and address using \ but did not allow to use [...] for this (gh/427)
2020-12-10 Frank Mittelbach
* ltbibl.dtx (section{Bibliography Generation}): Delay any cs{nocite} in the preamble instead of raising an error (gh/424)
2020-12-06 Johannes Braams
* miscelaneous files: gh/428, gh/429 and gh/430 list a number of typing mistakes and missing documentation that have crept in over the years. The following files were affected and have been corrected: alltt.dtx, classes.dtx, doc.dtx, docstrip.dtx, fix-cm.dtx, fontdef.dtx, ifthen.dtx, inputenc.dtx, latex209.dtx, latexrelease.dtx, ltbibl.dtx, ltboxes.dtx, ltclass.dtx, ltcntrl.dtx, ltcounts.dtx, ltdefns.dtx, ltdirchk.dtx, ltexpl.dtx, ltfilehook.dtx, ltfiles.dtx, ltfinal.dtx, ltfloat.dtx, ltfntcmd.dtx, ltfssaxes.dtx, ltfssbas.dtx, ltfsscmp.dtx, ltfssdcl.dtx, ltfssini.dtx, ltfsstrc.dtx, lthooks.dtx, ltlength.dtx, ltlists.dtx, ltluatex.dtx, ltmath.dtx, ltmiscen.dtx, ltoutenc.dtx, ltoutput.dtx, ltpage.dtx, ltpageno.dtx, ltpictur.dtx, ltplain.dtx, ltsect.dtx, ltshipout.dtx, lttextcomp.dtx, ltvers.dtx, ltxdoc.dtx, ltxref.dtx, nfssfont.dtx, proc.dtx, slides.dtx, utf8ienc.dtx.
2020-12-04 Frank Mittelbach
* ltfilehook.dtx (subsection{Declaring a file substitution}): Don't drop file substitution declarations when rolling back just render them no-ops
2020-12-04 Frank Mittelbach Add a hook to selectfont to be executed after the switch to the new font. This implements the functionality formerly in the everysel package.
2020-12-04 Frank Mittelbach
* ltfinal.dtx (subsection{File substitutions}): Emulate everysel package
2020-12-04 Frank Mittelbach
* ltfssini.dtx (subsection{Miscellaneous}): Setting up f@series and f@shape default values directly (gh/444)
2020-11-23 Frank Mittelbach
* ltshipout.dtx: Check for both kernel and user hooks and execute if either is non-empty (gh/431)}
2020-10-26 Frank Mittelbach
* ltmiscen.dtx (subsection{Environments}): enddocument should always start out in vmode (gh/385)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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