This package has been updated on CTAN and should by now be at your local mirror.
Thanks, Jim Hefferon Saint Michael's College
------------------------- Announcement -------------------------
I'm happy to announce release 3.3 of Eplain, a set of TeX macros that expands on and extends the definitions in plain TeX in a style-neutral fashion. Eplain's home page is
You can get it off CTAN at
The manual is available on-line from CTAN or Eplain's home page, or as a hard-copy from
(royalties are donated to the TeX Users Group).
Here's an excerpt from the NEWS file.
* New commands eqnum and eqalignnum, counterparts of (l)eqno and (l)eqalignno, producing equation numbers which can be uniformly transformed to right-aligned ( ighteqnumbers) or left-aligned (lefteqnumbers). * Eplain has borrowed the eTeX, ExTeX, XeTeX and XeLaTeX logos from tugboat.dtx. * idxnameseparator is now expanded once so that the .idx file contains its contents instead of the macro call. * Non-silent indexing macros have been fixed not to produce a spurious newline when newline's catcode is 13 (active). * Eplain now takes care to unactivate any active characters before typesetting index term in the margin for proofing. * Updated ifpdf.sty. * LaTeX package reloading warnings are now not shown on the terminal. * Documentation improvements.
Thanks to everybody who contributed with bug reports, feature suggestions and code patches.
Oleg Katsitadze