The following information was provided by Yvon Henel, by way of our upload daemon:
Name of contribution: engpron Name and email: Yvon Henel Suggested location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/engpron Summary description: macros, such as £a, to typeset English pronunciation (uses tipa.sty) License type: LaTeX Project
Announcement text:
Ce module utilise le module tipa. Il fournit des macros commençant par le caractère £, rendu actif, qui permettent d'écrire la prononciation de l'anglais britannique ou américain à l'aide de l'API telle qu'on la trouve dans le << English Pronouncing Dictionary >> de Daniel Jones. Une option permet d'obtenir le style adopté par le Harraps.
This package uses the package tipa. It provides macros beginning with the £-character, made active, which enable us to write the British or America English pronunciation as one can find it in the English Pronouncing Dictionary by Daniel Jones. There is an option to typeset the pronunciation in the style of Harrap's.
one should note that the package documentation is in french. there are tables of usage (macros and symbols) in the documentation ( as well as in within the bundle. however, a non-french reader will no doubt miss some of the subtleties of the package.
anyway, i have installed the package as requested: thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team