Andreas Storvik Strauman submitted an update to the
Version number: 0.3.0 2019-03-18 License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Overdue publishing! Many fixes and new features. Due to changes in behaviour and appearance of some commands, although most changes fairly small and non fatal, I still increased the minor build version.
These are the main changes:
Changes: - Activated ppMarginAbove (it now does something) - Moved tag placement for when ShowTags active - Part problem header is removed if only one part problem - Changed default spacing of around exercises, partproblems, intros and such.
New features: - Added possibility of custom part problem header from extproblem - Added possibility of showing problem only when DisplaySolutions active - Created ShowAllTags for clearing tags list - Added exercisepoints for getting total number of points in an exercise/problem. - Introduced SolutionsOnly - added pgref and ppgref for global referencing problems and part problems. - Added exercisebankversion and exercisebankbuild (for easier debugging) - Possibility to toggle whether part problem header showing if only one part problem is displayed: exercisebanksetup{show lonely part problems} - Added hisfilepath for getting path of current exercisefile - Added uildsprite for building selected sets as a sprite (all sets compressed on a few pages for overview). e.g. uildsprite{set1,set2}
Bug fixes: - Corrected use of the length ppMarginBelow - Fixed bug where phead and ShowFilenames crash - Fixed bug where part problem header repeats if solution is itemize. - uildset now gives error if set does not exist. - Made HideTags cummulative. - Raises error when pdfTeX(or pdfLaTeX) is not used. - Allow underscore for files in makeset - Prevent overwriting of graphicspath - Fixed bug where error comes at 123 exercises or more (TeX capacity exceeded error).
A special mention to the github users @tristelune1 for doing a lot of the testing for this version! Thank you!
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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