Karl Berry writes:
We've gone ahead with the network release of TeX Live 2011 (as some people have already noticed :). It is now or will be soon available from CTAN sites (http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive). As with last year, we recommend doing a network install in one way or another instead of downloading the large (2+gb) .iso -- see http://tug.org/texlive/acquire.html for a discussion of the various alternatives.
Package updates will restart in another day or two.
If anyone notices stale or missing information on the TL web pages, or problems with the release, please report as usual.
MacTeX 2011 (http://tug.org/mactex) and proTeXt 3.0 for 2011 (http://tug.org/protext) have also been released and are available from CTAN.
The TeX Collection DVD with all the above will be released as soon as possible; hopefully, it will go out in August.
Happy TeXing, Karl