Ruini Xue submitted an update to the
Version number: 5.0 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Thesis template for Tsinghua University
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add: scanned pages with signatures. Fix compiling error with tl2015 (footmisc). Fix theorem head font. Fix resume title for postdoc. Fix indentation in table of contents. Fix tocdepth. Fix lot, lof spacing. Fix table/figure numbering in appendix for bachelor. Improve: better shuji. Improve: use kvoptions to refactor options. Improve: use inlinecite instead of onlinecite. Improve: reorganize template files. Improve: rewrite a great amount of configurations with ctex-2.2+. Improve: replace raw page layout with geometry. Improve: replace raw head/foot setup with fancyhdr. Improve: replace paralist with enumitem. Improve: better Improve: xelatex is recommended, and bye GBK. Add: embrace latexmk. Improve: replace with gulpfile.js. Improve: revise documentation and the example. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz