At the initiative of Karl Berry, a new subdirectory unicodetex/ has been added to the /macros/ branch of the CTAN archive.
The new directory tree CTAN:/macros/unicodetex/ is meant for macro packages that work with either of the “modern” TeX engines XeTeX and LuaTeX, but not with “traditional” TeX engines like TeX and pdfTeX.
Macro packages that require LuaTeX (and will work with _none_ of the other engines!) are stored in CTAN:/macros/luatex/ .
Macro packages that require XeTeX (and will work with _none_ of the other engines!) are stored in CTAN:/macros/xetex/ .
Macro packages that work with _any_ TeX engine, or only with “traditional” TeX engines, are stored, as before, in CTAN:/macros/ outside the directories mentioned above.
So far, the following packages have been relocated to CTAN:/macros/unicodetex/latex/ : fontsetup fontspec lilyglyphs polyglossia realscripts unicode-math xltxtra
Feedback would be welcome about more packages that should be moved to another location, according to this classification. Please contact if you are the author, or a knowledgeable user, of a package that you feel should go to the CTAN:/macros/unicodetex/ branch, but is still located somewhere else on the archive. Thanks!
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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