On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Gerd Neugebauer wrote:
I have uploaded Release 2.47 of BibTool to ftp.dante.de:/incoming/BibTool-2.47.tar.gz BibTool is distributed under the GPL.
The uploaded file should go into the directory biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool. The file BibTool-2.46.tar.gz residing there can be deleted.
Several and tiny enhancements have made it into this release. I append the README file for a general description of BibTool.
Ciao Gerd
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BibTool: A Tool for Manipulating BibTeX Data Bases
BibTeX provides an easy to use means to integrate citations and bibliographies into LaTeX documents. But the user is left alone with the management of the BibTeX files. The program BibTool is intended to fill this gap. BibTool allows the manipulation of BibTeX files which goes beyond the possibilities --- and intentions --- of BibTeX. The possibilities of BibTool include
Pretty-printing BibTeX data bases adjustable by lots of parameters.
Syntactic checks with error recovery superior to BibTeX and helpful error messages.
Semantic checks can be specified by the user.
Sorting and merging of BibTeX data bases according to a free definable sort key.
Generation of uniform reference keys according to predefined rules or according to an own specification.
Selecting references used in one publication which are found by analyzing an .aux file.
Selecting references by a set of criteria (regular expressions).
Controlled rewriting of fields utilizing regular expressions to specify the rewriting rules.
Macro (String) expansion to eliminate the need of extra string definitions.
Collecting statistics about one or more BibTeX data bases.
BibTool contains a documentation written in LaTeX of more than 60 pages (and still growing).
BibTool is written in C and has been compiled on various operating systems like flavors of UN*X and MSDOG machines. It is distributed in source code. No compiled versions are available from the author (Useless to ask!).
BibTool can be obtained from the CTAN archives:
- ftp.dante.de:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool
- ftp.tex.ac.uk:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool
- ctan.tug.org:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool
Get the file BibTool-x.xx.tar.gz where x.xx is the version number. Unpack it with the command (on UN*X)
gunzip < BibTool-x.xx.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Alternatively get the file BibTool-x.xx.zip where x.xx is the version number. Unpack it with the command
unzip BibTool-x.xx.zip
It will create a directory named BibTool-x.xx which contains the installation instructions in the file install.tex.
Thanks for the update, I installed the new file in
and deleted the old one.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf