Lars Madsen submitted an update to the
Version number: 3.7g 2018-04-04 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
From the README
Changed (2018/04/04) o memoir v3.7g -- is now using colorlinks hyperref option in the manual. We switched it off year ago because some users were printing the manual. Nowadays most is reading the manual online, and thus colorlinks brings a better reading experience. -- under hyperref index{... |)} now also adds `|)hyperpage` to the idx file. This is needed for xindy to process the idx file. Makeindex does not seem to mind. Reported via private email. -- added examples of the nine much overlooked setpageXX macros, these can be used instead of settrimmedsize and settrims to place a trimmed page on the stock in nine often used configurations. -- the way the class writes the pagesize to the output have been rewritten and should now work with lualatex. Therefore we no longer auto load the luatex85 package. We have also canceled fixpdflayout and fixdvipslayout (they now just emit a warning) -- the class will truncate certain layout lengths to a whole number of point (e.g. extwidth). This can now be disabled using the fullptlayout class option, reported via -- in as of the release of TeXLive 2018 counterwithin/out will be added to the LaTeX kernel, we changed our version to use providecommand accordingly -- removed loading the mempatch.sty package, it has been empty for many years -- now requiring ifpdf, ifetex, ifxetex and ifluatex packages to exist. Earlier we attempted to emulate them if missing, this does not make sense any more -- started adding Recommended alternative blocks to the manual. These are just mentioning more modern alternatives to what ever is mentioned in the manual. Fx using tcolorbox instead of the buildin framed env. Suggestions are welcome (by email) -- added itlingpageend{}{} which can be used to set the clearing code at the end of the titlingpage env. -- clearified the interaction between 14pt and extrafontsizes options -- updating the embedded array and tabularx copies fixes (an issue with bidi) -- dumped the emulated date for delarray to 2014/10/28 (the code, after the array update) is the same -- fixed a bad interaction in subbottom when the showkeys and hyperref is loaded. Reported via -- removed unnecessary phansomsection from the thebiblipgraphy setup. Reported via -- added obreak to @vslnumleft and @vslnumright (internal to verse), reported via -- added phansomsection to startnoteentrystart, otherwise label in pagenote does not work correctly. -- fixed a typo in @listii where itemsep is not pointing towards itemsepii, similar to the other @listK macros. -- fixed problem with setfloatadjustment, font size changes did not come through ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz
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